Planet TV Tackles the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health and Addiction With the Innovative Professionals Behind the Healing Springs Ranch

TIOGA, Texas, October 12, 2018 ( - Opened in 2016 under the direction of Melissa Caldwell Engle, Clinical Director, MS, LPC, ATR and Rachel H. Graham, President, MBA, the Healing Springs Ranch offers an Integrated Addiction Model to uncover the cause of addiction rather than simply pacify symptoms.
Removed from the cold, sterile environment of a clinic, the Healing Springs Ranch is not what one might expect from a residential treatment center. Surrounded by the natural beauty of the Tioga landscape, there are few more peaceful places to take on deep, emotional work away from the distractions and temptations of normal life. The center is nestled on 50 acres of lakefront views north of the Dallas metroplex. Directions here.
President of Healing Springs Ranch, Rachel H. Graham, knows firsthand the struggles faced by those with substance dependencies. She observed the fluctuating states of well-being in a family member who battled unresolved trauma and mental health issues. What struck Graham as particularly counter-productive in her relative’s treatment was the focus on symptoms over identifying the starting point of the addiction.
The Healing Springs Ranch uses an Integrate Addiction Model (IAM) to learn the “function” of an addiction as opposed to only treating the “behaviors” of addiction.
Regardless of what a person can accomplish in the short term of a personal retreat, once someone returns to the pressures of daily life, a substance dependence is likely to resurface. Without understanding the cause, the seed of the addiction, little progress is truly made. No matter the addiction, whether it’s alcohol, drugs, shopping, pornography, gambling, etc., all these substances and activities fill in the void left by unprocessed trauma and/or emotional pain.
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The staff of Healing Springs Ranch is focused on treating all aspects of a person in order to replace the addiction with healthier habits. Clinical Director Melissa Caldwell Engle applies her 25+ years of experience treating trauma and addiction following the development of the Trauma Model to help patients map out what happened to trigger their perceived need for the false, temporary comfort of their addiction.
Planet TV features Healing Springs Ranch as it sets itself apart from other contemporaries through providing refined psychometrics which, in turn, render heightened treatment efficacy.
Patients at the Healing Springs Ranch learn how to address underlying mental health issues which reinforce their addictions. They receive pre- and post-treatment reports which attempt to measure mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. Using their model of uprooting and thoughtfully processing past trauma, the Healing Springs Ranch has seen impressive results; like with Mary who said, “I walked into their office a shattered mess and walked out a whole person.”
There has been a reduction in the reported incidences of recurring cycles of addiction following the therapy available at Healing Springs Ranch. Their unique, personalized approach to addressing each individual’s different array of chemical, psychological, and physical circumstances has rendered unprecedented recoveries from addiction. For more information about Healing Springs Ranch, visit or call (844) 443-2577.
New Frontiers is a compelling TV series which explores cutting-edge treatment centers for substance addiction such as Healing Springs that are shaping our nation's treatment centers. New Frontiers is a series in short documentary form to be featured on TV and on-demand TV.
Planet TV Studios produces cutting-edge, real-life, television series that feature insightful, meaningful updates on the most important business, medical and social responsible topics currently taking place in the areas most important to our lives. Planet TV Studios is a leading content creation company successful in films, television, documentaries, commercials, infomercials, music and docudramas.
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Source: Planet TV Studios
Tags: addiction, behavior, healing springs ranch, Integrated Addiction Model, melissa Caldwell Engle, mental health problems, new frontiers, planet tv studios, Rachel H. Graham, treatment, unresolved trauma