Plasma's Annual Summer Interns Graduate From Internship Program

This Friday, August 21, 2015, will mark as the final day of the Plasma Annual Internship Program. All interns will graduate with a better understanding of the Internet of Things (IoT), device programming, graphic design and digital marketing.

The Annual Summer Internship Program began the first week of August and would last three weeks. Interns would include local students from the middle school to high school level. The goal of the program is to help inform and shape the local young minds of the future while uncovering unknown skills and interests in technology and business. The program will include three department levels and will conclude with individual presentations covering all that was learned.

The interns started the first week with the IoT device programming department. They learned many basic programming practices with devices and platforms such as Arduino and Because Plasma is a leading edge technology company that is diverse in IoT solutions, the interns were able to learn relevant and important technology fundamentals pertinent to their future. After programming, the interns moved on to the creative design department. Here, they individually created their own mock company within an industry of their interest. These mock companies included everything from interior design consultants to wind turbine and environmental cleanup agencies. They then designed everything from a company logo to a website. From design, they moved along to digital marketing. The Digital Marketing department took the interns in and expressed many of the present norms and strategies of marketing in business. The program focused mainly on social media marketing and allowed for interns to learn how to effectively implement a social media campaign. They then created a full social media marketing campaign for their mock companies.

On Friday, the interns will present to a large audience of Plasma team members in the “Ignite” conference room. They will review all of which they have learned by presenting their company and how they would market via social media. This presentation will not only grow their confidence in their work, but also will help to conclude the program with a comprehensive Q and A.

About Plasma

Plasma is a customized solution and platform provider. The company has been in the web solution industry for over 10 years and is making its way into the Internet of Things (IoT) space. With Plasma solutions, a company can connect to all disparate devices, collect business critical data and automate inefficient processes with that data.

To learn more about how Plasma can provide IoT and web solutions, visit or call 1-800-852-0927.

For additional information, Please Reach us at:

N: Reanna Bosilikwa

A: 3010 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1515, Dallas, TX 75234, USA

P: + 1-800-852-0927 / +1-972-763-1500
E: sales ( @ ) plasmacomp dot com



Tags: digital marketing, Internet of Things, IOT