PlayStation Move Controller Is On Sale At

There is a sensation at our store! A revolutionary game controller expected by the gamers around the world for several months, goes on sale.

There is a sensation at our store! A revolutionary game controller expected by the gamers around the world for several months, goes on sale.

It has come true at last! The Sony Computer Entertainment company released for sale the unique PlayStation Move controller which allows everyone to get new and unforgettable emotions from the game. From this day all the owners of PlayStation 3 who have bought PlayStation Move ( controller at store can get new and unforgettable emotions from the presence in the game world. In addition, there is one more device from Sony Computer Entertainment company released - PlayStation Eye camera. With the help of this device and controller the gamer has a great chance to be closely integrated with the game world. After several hours of play the gamer can be fully released from the reality and can feel the life of the virtual world.

Now everyone who desires to feel those new emotions from the game with PlayStation 3 can visit our store and get PlayStation Move controller and PlayStation Eye camera. Sony Computer Entertainment company spent several months to make the control of the game character easier and more understandable for the user; they wanted everyone to feel pleasant and enjoyable in the new fantastic game world. The new Sony Computer Entertainment controller in comparison with its competitive Microsoft controller has several essential advantages. The main advantage is the following: a lot of games from both casual and famous studios projects will support PlayStation Move controller. Due to quick response of the controller and its exact calibration, the gamer will be able to control the character easier in the games of different genres, whether it is shooter or strategy.

Attention: please remember that if you want to use the PlayStation 3 Move ( you must buy PlayStation Eye camera as well, you can get it right now at store. This device is able to recognize exactly any controller movement and its location in the room. That's why the gamer can merge with the game character and feel his existence in the game. PlayStation Move gives such accuracy because of its gyroscope and three-axial accelerometer. It also contains magnetic field sensor and multicolored sphere, which is pinpointed by the PlayStation Eye camera. Due to this unusual technology PlayStation Move tracks and recognizes every movement of the gamer's hand.

PlayStation Move works with the help of the inbuilt lithium-ionic battery. If necessary, it is easy and simple to charge it. Move navigation controller uses Bluetooth wireless technology as well, it increase the comfort of the gaming. It is interesting, that as soon as PlayStation Move controller appeared at the stores, most famous developers became interested in its features. Now this platform is supported by 36 companies which develop game hits. The management of SCE Worldwide Studios corporation says that very soon there would be released more than twenty fascinating games which support PlayStation Move.

You should also pay attention to the elegant design made in black tones and wonderful form of the PlayStation Move sub-controller which perfectly balances with the form of the main controller; it adds positive emotions to the game process and makes the time spent with the favorite hit more exiting and unforgettable.

You can test it yourself!!! The only thing you need is to buy this fantastic PlayStation Move controller at store. The price is really perfect; it is only 2650 rub. If you are a real fan of video games and you want to test those fantastic feelings of the new world, don't lose your time! Visit our store at and buy the unique PlayStation Move controller.

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Tags:, playstation 3, PlayStation Eye camera, PlayStation Move

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