Poetry and Prose to Die for

A rare moment of genius has been captured in print in a new book by Antonio Diangelo.

Condensing one's life into one hour is never easy; there will always be an extraordinary amount to throw in; a multitude of adventures, memories and experiences to capture. Poetic Licence has done that in under 500 pages. It is no ordinary book of poetry and prose, it is the soul of ten men imprinted on each page. It is a book that will hit the reader in the solar plexus like a ten ton juggernaut or scold them like a hot iron. A hard hitting, thought provoking and timeless collection of short stories, poetry and prose from an author who pulls no punches and directly challenges the reader to constantly reassess and engage with the world in which we live. Experience a new way of looking at life. Experience Poetic Licence

The author in his own words on poetry: "Poetry is about emotion combined with inspiration. It is about form and structure. It is also about abandoning convention and letting the inner voice speak. The first draft is never the final version, like a sculptor carving away at a block of marble; a poet continues with fine alterations until at last the masterpiece is revealed. Poetry is a healthy mix of creation and invention. Just like any work of art, it requires nurture and dedication. Above all, the driving force is love and passion. Love of poetry, love of words, love of writing, love of expression, love of the world and everyone and everything in it. In the end, poetry is simply an outpouring of love from the inner soul."



Tags: British Poets, fiction, poetry

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