Polymita Presents Trāmitum, The E-Government Platform For Managing Public Administration Procedures

The virtual office solution incorporates ready to use processes and sub-processes

After successful developments in organizations such as Port de Barcelona, Girona City Council, the provincial Government of Guadalajara, the General Council of Notaries in Spain, the General Directorate of Civil Protection and Emergencies or The Center of Forest Properties of the "Generalitat de Catalunya", Polymita presents TrÄmitum, the standardized solution of virtual office for the public administration.

TrÄmitum helps public organizations to bring the administration closer to the citizen, informing him, reducing waiting times and expediting procedures, which are handled in an automated manner. It allows monitoring the activity, detecting and correcting bottlenecks and engaging in a cycle of continuous improvement in communication, attention to and processing of citizen enquiries.

Among the features of TrÄmitum, we find those referring to automated virtual offices, identification and electronic signatures of people and documents (time-stamped), task inbox managed through workflows, case management, forms management, document management, electronic notification, integrated payment gateway, dashboard or interoperability platform.

To do so, TrÄmitum includes an administration portal, which provides tools for content management and documents (ECM/CMS), processing (BPM) records management, Portal and Users management, monitoring and statistics (BAM).
With the goal of achieving maximum efficiency, the process modeler of TrÄmitum incorporates processes and sub-processes already modeled and ready to put into production. Among the processes ready to be used, there's arbitrations, authorizations, certifications, consultation of records, government procurement, conventions, expropriations, documentation apply, administrative appeals, penalties, grants and suggestions or complaints and claims.

In addition, with this tool is quick and easy to model and to add new automated processes to the Platfom. TrÄmitum is the online administration platform for automatic management and publication of administrative procedures.

According to Erik Brieva, President and founder of Polymita, "TrÄmitum is the integrated and ready to use solution that the public administrations were demanding. Polymita allows the fastest implementation times of procedures, processes and applications, making the administration processes efficient and productive in a few weeks."

TrÄmitum is a Polymita solution that makes use of the technological strength and functional richness of this platform's first world-class, accredited by firms such as Gartner, Forrester and IDC.


Tags: bpm, polymita, procedures, processes

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