Poor Vision Health Affects America

The majority of Americans suffer from some sort of vision problem. To prevent work place hazards and low productivity, see an eye care professional. They can provide eye exams and vision health tests to make sure eyes are performing at their best.

The majority of Americans suffer from some sort of vision problem. To prevent work place hazards and low productivity, see an eye care professional. They can provide eye exams and vision health tests to make sure eyes are performing at their best.

Vision Health

Vision Problems Hinder Productivity

Nearly two-thirds of American adults use some kind of eyewear, but more than 10 million Americans with vision problems go without any care or correction. Even those who wear glasses may have old, ineffective prescriptions.

Even people with perfect vision report eyestrain when using computers more than a few hours a day. Those with impaired vision can have significant problems. These employees are at risk for frequent headaches, and even arm and back problems resulting from straining to see their screens. Visual accuracy falls off quickly for those with imperfect vision. In environments where work, learning and communication are done on computers, inaccuracy due to poor vision results in miscommunication and rework. In addition, performance in many manufacturing jobs, occupations that require attention to detail and jobs that involve frequent driving can be hindered and made more dangerous by poor eyesight.

Poor Vision can be a Hazard

Outside the office, poor vision may seem harmless. But employees with impaired vision who use machines or detailed data of any kind face a hidden hazard. Their work can be imprecise. They may misread controls. Inaccurate vision can result in flawed work, defective products and even injuries. It's important to get the proper corrective lenses needed to protect employees and those around them.

Eye Exams Reveal More Than Impaired Vision

Employees approaching middle age can be surprised to find real and even significant vision impairment creeping up on them. Regular eye exams can reveal the beginnings of more serious problems, too. Without eye exams, vision threats like glaucoma and macular degeneration go undetected until they cause irreversible damage. Eye exams can even reveal threats to general health, such as diabetes and hypertension.

The Importance of Vision Care

As the population continues to age there are many staggering facts that may help you decide if seeking corrective vision would be beneficial.

• 93% of adults age 55 and older wear prescription lenses
• 66% of the U.S. workforce currently wear prescription lenses
• 75% of employees who use a computer will suffer an eye or vision problem.
• 52% of the population has comprehensive eye health exams once a year.



Tags: Extras, Health, vision

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