Portuguese Fine Art Photographer Irina Quintela Exhibits At Parallax Art Fair 2012

Irina Quintela, Portuguese fine art photographer, will exhibit at Parallax Art Fair 2012, from 16th to 18th February at Chelsea Old Town Hall (Chelsea, London, UK), after an invitation from the curator of the event Dr. Chris Barlow.

The photographer will display four artworks from two series of works: Human Geometry and Signs.

The first series, intitled Human Geometry, had its concept based on geometry, as if the human body was some kind of a large geometrical puzzle. The artworks have a light flow and tenderness that somehow resemble a different medium, like they were painted instead of photographed. The selected artworks will be displayed on 30x40 cm frames (photographs are 20x30cm size): Right Angle (2005); Lomo Circles (2011).

The second series is intitled Signs. This concept was based in body language, and its ability to communicate. The main focus of these works is the human body, separated from every social concept, like race, gender, age, and so on. There will be two artworks (photographs of 30x40 cm framed on 40x50cm frame) from this series in Parallax Art Fair 2012: Equally Different (2009) and Simetry (2009).

All artworks can be bought at exclusive Parallax Art Fair 2012 prices.

Parallax Art Fair is an international art fair showcasing more than 100 contemporary artists from UK, USA, West & East Europe, Asia, South America, Turkey, UAE and Oceania. The third edition will take place at Chelsea Old Town Hall, King's Road, Chelsea, London, UK from Thursday 16th to Saturday 18th February 2012. Entry is free to the public.

Thursday 16th Feb: 10am - 6pm
Friday 17th Feb: 10am - 6pm
Saturday 18th Feb: 10am - 5pm


Irina Quintela was born in Lisbon, Portugal, 1980. With degrees in Journalism and Multimedia, she's currently a multimedia designer in her home town, where she works in graphic & web design, motion graphics and video.

In 2011, Irina lived and worked for 6 months as a designer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nonetheless, she has worked in the past as both a journalist and photojournalist.

Her first steps on photography were taken with 19 years old, when she bought her first camera, a Nikon F60. She used to take her camera everywhere and the passion grew. In order to deepen knowledge, the artist had many photography practical courses in Cenjor, Lisbon, such as 'photojournalism', 'lighting', 'color theory' or 'zone system'.

Her professional experience started in the portuguese national newspaper 'O Diabo' as a photojournalist. Later, she joined the 'Gabinete 1' group, as a journalist and photojournalist, where she worked for 5 years. As a freelancer, she photographed for some other portuguese magazines and newspapers. Since 2009, after graduating in Multimedia, Irina is working as a designer, where she feels that her creative vision can be explored every day.

The designer has another passion: fine art photography. Always idealizing concepts and new ways to do something different, Irina Quintela dedicates her little spare time to photography. With an assumed taste for boldness geometry, where women have an important role in it, the photographer enjoys breaking rules and creating new concepts.

The exhibits started in 2005 in her home town, where she had the opportunity to show the "In the Hand of Society" exhibit at one of the major spaces in Lisbon, Ler Devagar's Library. In the year after, two more shows, one named "Women Photographers", dedicated to the feminine side of this art. In 2007 another great place to show: Alcochete's City Hall, also in Portugal. In this show, the artist tried to be bold enough to explore the five senses, creating an unveiled ambient between photography and decoration, with the help of a space designer. In December of that same year, Irina had the chance to go international. Invited by MCLA Gallery 51, based in Massachusetts (USA), she participated in "The Myspace show", a group exhibit with artists from all over the world in multiple mediums.

Since then, the artist has been invited to other international shows: "Art for Peace - AFPIAAP", in Istanbul (Turkey); "Human Rights? La cura di Roberto Ronca", in Caserta (Italy); and now London (UK), in Parallax Art Fair 2012, after an invitation from Dr. Chris Barlow.


Irina Quintela's Website: http://www.iqshots.com

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8zAV9q94ck

Parallax Art Fair Website: http://www.barlowfinedrawings.com/parallaxaf.html

Please contact the artist for further information, images or interviews, through her personal website, in the "Contact" section.


Tags: art, barlow, Chris, exhibit, Fair, iqshots, irina, lisboa, lisbon, London, paf, parallax, photographer, portugal, portuguese, quintela, show

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