Posh New Bankruptcy Attorney Office Opening in Columbus

Online Marketing Powerhouse, WebLegalMarketing set to impact the Columbus OH Bankruptcy Market. 1,000% return guaranteed.

Columbus Bankruptcy Attorneys take note.

The landscape in Columbus is about to change...the virtual landscape that is.

Online powerhouse real estate developer/marketing company WebLegalMarketing.com isn't just coming to town. They're here. http://www.columbusbankruptcyattorneys.org

They've opened up shop at one of the busiest intersections in town, Google's first page. And they are set on total domination.

This isn't just any office it comes complete with clientele. In fact, the landlord guarantees a 1,000% return!

"We have the ability to occupy choice locations in high traffic areas around the internet," explains Tobi Rhayne CEO, "Couple that with our direct marketing skills, and one Columbus Bankruptcy Attorney or small firm stands to reap enormous rewards."

Those rewards include a steady stream of potential clients. "We only locate and develop properties that we determine can
generate a minimum of $25,000 in monthly billing." states Rhayne.

So getting back $10 for every $1 invested is a realistic expectation for their "tenant". In fact, it's guaranteed.

In a refreshingly candid approach to marketing Rhayne points out, "Most advertisers talk about "branding", "reach", "impact", and name recognition. You can't take that to the bank. We are confident. We do our homework. We are good at what we do and
we are completely committed to the success of our attorney partners."

Partnering early in the development process is a goal of the company. Rhayne explains that full maximization may take 9 months "The traffic is there now, so are the beginnings of our temporary structures in some locations. We will be able to divert client traffic almost immediately and full traffic flow is expected by 6 months.

However testing and tweaking around the strengths of the tenant and the nuances of the Columbus clientele should optimize the Traffic-to-Client conversion process over the subsequent 3 months."

The tools of the trade? SEO, SEM, Video, Blogging, RSS, follow-up regimes, Social Media, Twitter, Facebook and more.

"Being an attorney is a full time job. It's the fulfilment of a lifetime dream for many. So why not spend your time doing that
instead of learning about marketing, the internet and struggling to attract clients?" Rhayne wonders.

The only question that remains is do you want to beat 'em or join 'em?

WebLegalMarketing is currently accepting applications from potential tenants. All Columbus Bankruptcy attorneys interested
in inhabiting the new offices are encouraged to contact Mr. Rhayne by phone or email.

Tobi Rhayne MBA
(519) 327-9699
[email protected]


Tags: attorney internet marketing, columbus banktuptcy attorney, lawyer internet marketing

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Tobi Rhayne
Press Contact, Web Legal Marketing
Web Legal Marketing
21 Highland Rd.
Clifford, ON
N0G 1M0