2016 Post Election Insights Set for November 15

On November 15, 2016, Post-Election Insights 2016 will be presented at the Lauderdale Yacht Club.

The Florida Chapter of the Commercial Finance Association (“CFA”) is pleased to announce a special South Florida event on November 15, 2016 featuring former Florida US Senator and Chairman of the Gunster law firm, Senator George S. LeMieux. Senator LeMieux will discuss, in an interview/ question/answer format, the issues that played out in the 2016 election and the national and local impact of the election results.  His Gunster partner Robert C. White Jr. will participate speaking principally about emerging business and technology in the context of prospective new administration policies. Business leaders are encouraged to attend this special education event, in combination with a networking luncheon, at the Lauderdale Yacht Club. Join us and bring your colleagues to this important CFA South Florida event.

Post Election Insights 2016

Issues, Impacts of Election Results and the Future in 2017 and Beyond

Tuesday, November 15, 2016, 12:00 noon (registration begins 11:30am)

Reception, Presentation and Luncheon

Fort Lauderdale Yacht Club, 1725 SE 12th St., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

$45 for CFA Members (and affiliate group members); $65 Non-Members and day of event

Visit www.cfa.com/florida for information and registration. Also register for this event at http://tinyurl.com/FloridaCFAEvents.

Source: Commercial Finance Association Florida


Tags: Business, Econony, Finance, National and Statewide Issues, Politics

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The Commercial Finance Association's Florida Chapter is the trade group for commercial finance companies, factors, banks and other financing agencies engaged in the lending and financial services industry of Florida

Thomas H. Hicks
Press Contact, Commercial Finance Association - Florida Chapter
Commercial Finance Association - Florida Chapter
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33069
United States