Reveals New Information on the Towers Investors Ponzi Scheme of 1993

First on the scene during the summer of 2014 with brand new revelations of  lawsuits against  multi-billionaire Jeffrey Epstein,  prior to the New York Daily News' headlines this past fall, is back with an exclusive story.

Accordng to Cannonfire: "There's one thing you have to understand about Epstein. He didn't start to make it big---- as in big big ---- until he left Bear Stearns and joined forces with Steven Hoffenberg."

Hoffenberg served 18 years in federal prison for the Towers Investors Ponzi scheme. The new reveals his ongoing efforts to pay $495 million restitution to the Towers Investors victims .

In addition, the latest posting also discusses Reuters' story about  Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's Charities Bureau inquiring whether  Epstein's foundation, which is incorporated in the US Virgin Islands, should be considered exempt from New York Law.  A charity based outside New York is required to register with the New York Charities Bureau if it does business in New York or holds property in that state.


As always, continues to be the most informative weekly on-line newspaper in cyberville. Also check out  CBS Correspondent Bill Plante's interview with President Barack Obama, coverage on the UN International Women's Day, which honored New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, and Real Estate zion Robert Durst's stunning confession to multiple murders on the HBO documentary "The Jinx."

Informative as ever are columns by journalism icons Liz Smith, Arianna Huffington and others.
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Flo Anthony


Tags: Jeffery Epstein, newspaper, PostPublishing.Buzz

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New York Post Publishing Inc is a corporation with 20 plus years in the newspaper publishing business. New York Publishing Inc. has been owned by Steven Hoffenberg since January 1993 and provides information in both print and online content formats.

Flo Anthony
Deputy Publisher, New York Post Publishing Inc.
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