Powered By Fiorano ESB, Commercial Bank Of Africa Revolutionizes Mobile-Banking

M-Shwari logs 40,000 customers per day crossing Ksh1 billion in transactions a month with core banking integration from Fiorano

Fiorano Software, a leader in enterprise integration and messaging middleware solutions, announced today that Fiorano ESB, Enterprise Service Bus has been deployed by Commercial Bank of Africa (CBA) to enable M-Shwari, an innovative and revolutionary mobile savings and loan service product.

M-Shwari, considered a "game-changing" banking product is offered by CBA exclusively to 17 million users of Kenyan mobile operator, Safaricom's mobile payment system, M-PESA. Customers can now access full banking services without ever having to walk into a branch.

Fiorano ESB, Enterprise Service Bus works as an integral part of CBA's Core banking Integration Framework, transforming one-to-one approach to integration into many-to-many integration hub allowing seamless integration with third-party applications.

"Fiorano's SOA platform built on the Fiorano ESB, Enterprise Service Bus and backed by Fiorano's solid JMS messaging product, FioranoMQ has been critical in enabling the speed and efficiency with which we have been able to roll out this innovative product and handle the unexpectedly large volume of transactions and data," said Dennis Volemi, CBA's Head of Technology, New Business Ventures. "M-Shwari has exceeded all the performance KPIs that we set out to achieve in the first 90 days," he added.

According to a joint statement from Safaricom and CBA, M-Shwari is seeing 40,000 Kenyans sign-ups daily. With customer deposits of over KSh 3 billion, it's one of the most successful new financial services products in the African market in recent years.

Seen as the perfect customer attraction and retention tool, CBA's Chief Executive Officer Jeremy Ngunze in a recent interview said, "We are overwhelmed at the show of confidence from our customers. This product will clearly change the game in the local financial sector".

Fiorano's code-free integration approach via point and click tools dramatically reduces implementation time so banks can bring new capabilities to market faster. M-Shwari's mobile banking transactions are routed to a web service hosted on CBA server. Using the Fiorano SOA platform CBA has developed web service flows to expose these Core Banking transactions.

Fiorano Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is an agent-based, peer-to-peer, distributed event-driven asynchronous middleware infrastructure that supports intelligently-directed communication and mediated relationships between loosely-coupled (SOA) and decoupled (EDA) business components.

About Commercial Bank of Africa (http://www.cbagroup.com)
Founded in 1962 Commercial Bank of Africa Ltd is one of East Africa's largest privately owned banks and has operations in Kenya and Tanzania.


Tags: CBA, Enterprise Service Bus, esb, Fiorano, M-Shwari, SOA

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