Powerful, New Communication Capabilities Added to MIVNET Connect

Since 1994, MIVNET has provided interactive meeting service providers with a forum and marketplace for promotion. Through active SEO and other marketing campaigns,

Vero Beach, Fla., April 26, 2016 – MIVNET Connect, a cloud-based, high definition multipoint video collaboration solution from MIVNET, has just been upgraded with a suite of new features that add powerful new communication capabilities.

Now, with the addition of a new SIP registration feature, people having a meeting with MIVNET Connect will be able to enjoy the convenience of making and receiving calls. Because the calls are handled completely within MIVNET Connect, callers can be seamlessly connected to the meeting at the touch of a button.

Also, MIVNET Connect users now have the ability to play audio/video files within a meeting. With a few easy clicks, multimedia content can be played and shared with meeting participants. A variety of options allows different quality settings, bandwidth and display configurations, and looping, which allows the content to play endlessly.

"I’m very happy to be able to offer these powerful new features to our customers," said Mark Levy, CEO of MIVNET. "Users can easily play a media file or YouTube clip within a meeting. There can be subscribers to this meeting room such as businesses that display advertising on computer screens while customers are in line or eating, for example. This new feature allows advertising loops or video streams to be instantly modified, presenting a tremendous opportunity for businesses in the advertising arena."

Some potential use cases:

- Ongoing presentations about anything, for people to view at their convenience,

- Tutorials that people can follow to learn more about products or services,

- Applications used in conjunction with WebRTC to deliver content with no installation, and

- Classrooms or other educational venues.

"MIVNET subscribers that have passed many use case applications will soon be able to display the new ‘MIVNET Connect certification’ seal. This seal will be awarded to MIVNET subscribers that show a consistently successful use pattern of the application," said Levy.

Since 1994, MIVNET has provided interactive meeting service providers with a forum and marketplace for promotion. Through active SEO and other marketing campaigns, MIVNET has managed to organically position itself with search engines such as Google, Yahoo, andBing, ranking extremely well on popular searches including "videoconference rooms," "cloud-based videoconferencing," "videoconference directory," and many other variations. MIVNET’s searchable public meeting room directory’s popularity has grown extensively over its 23-year history and has lately experienced unprecedented activity, signaling more video meetings are happening and MIVNET is helping to put them together. MIVNET provides free, reliable, video-conference planning and scheduling tools for depositions and business meetings. Easily search providers in business centers within our network of advertisers and supporters.

According to Levy, "What sets MIVNET apart is our directory. Our directory is queried hundreds of times a day. Companies that rent meeting rooms or law firms searching for a location to remotely depose a witness use the searchable meeting room directory. MIVNET Connect, our cloud-based video collaboration solution, is becoming very popular, too, and many of our customers quickly learn to appreciate the value of a subscription."

"The MIVNET Connect platform is far better than others I have used," said David Nussbaum of Coastal Court Reporting in Hilton head, South Carolina. "The user interface is so easy and offers so much more control than most other services."

Deepak Khiani of VC Connect in Woodbridge, NJ recently said, "I think the MIVNET Connect application works way better than Skype for Depositions. Once I get the hang of it internally, it will be easy to instruct attorneys and I'm sure they'll like it better than Skype, too."

Beth Gaige of Gaige and Feliccitti Court Reporting also commented, "My firm recently required a V/C connection between our office in Portland, Maine, and Paris, France. I was vacationing several time zones away, and contacted MIVNET to assist in setting this up. It was handled expeditiously and professionally."

Metropolitan Interactive Videoconferencing Network (MIVNET) offers a next generation cloud-based video collaboration suite combined with the world’s largest and fastest growing global directory of fully equipped, business class meeting venues available for rent. More information about the company can be found online at www.mivnet.com.

For further information:

Mark Levy, managing director, Metropolitan Interactive Videoconference Network, 1-772-257-3357, 1-800-464-8638, [email protected].


Source: Metrpolitan Interactive Videoconference Network (MIVNET)


Tags: collaboration, conferencing, court reporting, depositions, meetings, video, web, webrtc