PPSS Launches High Quality But Low Cost Stab Vests

UK based PPSS have now launched a range of high quality, but low-cost stab vests.

Everyone involved in the private security sector will fully understand that stab vests are different from bulletproof vests, most of which offer little protection against knives or needles. But will cheap stab vests still do the trick?

UK based PPSS have now launched a range of high quality, but low-cost stab vests. Although not certified by the UK Home Office, these recently developed and very professional body armour are said to offer a very good level stab resistance and knife protection to those with a very tight budget.

CEO of PPSS, Robert Kaiser, explains: "By using ultra light 3mm thin sheets of body moulded polycarbonate, we have created high quality stab proof vests, which offer also excellent blunt trauma protection from kicks, punches or blows by any object."

"I genuinely feel that everyone has the right to protect themselves, and everyone has the right to be equipped appropriately while on duty."

"This important rule includes of course all security and other frontline professionals, who risk their lives on a daily basis, but who might not be able to afford 'state of the art' or 'top of the range' stab proof vests. Some of which will cost in excess of £600.00."

Many security professionals have recently expressed their anger at some of the ridiculously high prices for body armour, but Robert Kaiser explains that their new range of cheap stab vests can still save lives: "When we say cheap stab vests we mean low-cost and certainly not low-quality. We will never risk the lives of security professionals. We are here to protect those who serve."

"As many professionals perhaps know, the most famous fibres, such as Kevlar, Twaron, Dyneema, Spectra and Goldflex, do not provide very effective stab protection. This is why we looked for a completely different material."

Polycarbonate, a material also used to manufacture motorbike helmets, turned out to be the perfect choice, now especially being used by PPSS here in the UK, to manufacture uncertified, but highly professional, effective and reliable cheap stab vests for security and other frontline professionals all over the world.

"I also would like to stress the fact that that stab proof vests are just a small part of a package of measures to protect staff. Appropriate training and good conflict management skills too need to be a part of the overall personal safety package of any good security professional", Robert Kaiser concludes.

For further information please contact the industry experts directly. Please visit www.cheap-stab-vests.com or email [email protected] or call +44 (0) 845 5193 953


Tags: cheap, stab, vests

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Robert Kaiser
Press Contact, PPSS Group
PPSS Group
Whitfield Business Park
Unit 1, Manse Lane, Knaresborough
United Kingdom