PR Jobs Los Angeles Launches Twitter Account

PR Jobs Los Angeles Twitter Presence Tweets PR Job Opportunities 24/7/365 made its Twitter debut on Tuesday under "PR Jobs LA" and username @PRJobLA. Since starting, the account has been constantly tweeting new public relations job opportunities in the Los Angeles metro as they become available. In addition to the job postings, PR Jobs Los Angeles tweets dozens of daily job search tips, covering such topics as resumes, cover letters, interviewing, career advice, salary negotiation as well as professional networking - both real world and online - with links to relevant online resources.

"Job opportunities within the overall MarCom industry have been greatly affected during these tough economic times and the public relations sub-sector, even more so. Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites have arguably become a major part of the social fabric, so we spent a great deal of time determining how best to leverage our offerings to help these job seekers find challenging, rewarding work," say PR Jobs LA Publisher Matt Williams.

"Our Twitter presence is an extension of our main site and its goal of helping connect PR practitioners with available public relations job opportunities in the LA area. We launched the site to be a one-stop PR job source, providing up-to-date job listings, as well as information and tools to help these job seekers find challenging, rewarding work. Employing Twitter allows us to broaden awareness of all the available public relations job opportunities in Los Angeles," continues Williams.

Citing findings from a 2009 CareerXRoads survey conducted among HR managers at large companies, Williams says, "Results showed that just 12 percent of recent new hires were found through job boards, while 27 percent were found through referrals-that is, people who work at the company or who have connections to the company recommend the largest share of new people. There's a word for this sort of job-seeking: networking."

"Although the word networking can seem a bit slimy, conjuring up images of finger-gun-shooting frat guys who are talking to you only to get something in return. But networking need not be so wretched. Now you can use the Web to find people who'll help you find work. The most forward-looking job seekers we've spoken with say they've all but abandoned job-listing sites in favor of social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. For a quite a few people, job-hunting and networking on these sites has paid off. So once we had confidence that we could add something new with Twitter, we went into it." adds Williams.

About the LA Public Relations Jobs site: is a complete resource site for those seeking LA public relations jobs. In addition to providing hundreds of LA public relations job listings, the website also contains listings of Los Angeles public relations firms and professional associations. The site also covers a variety of job-hunting topics, such as advice on job search strategies and tactics, cover letter writing, resume construction and interviewing skills.

You can follow their PR jobs update via their Twitter account @PRJobLA.


Tags: California, job, jobs, la, los angeles, PR, public relations, Twitter

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