PRC Seeks Public Comment on Report to the President and Congress
Washington, DC, April 15, 2016 ( - Today the Postal Regulatory Commission (Commission) called for public input and comment as it prepares a statutorily mandated report to the President and the Congress on the operation of the Nation’s postal laws. The Commission established Docket No. PI2016-3 for this purpose.
Under the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (PAEA), the Commission is required to at least every 5 years submit a report to the President and Congress concerning the operation of the amendments made by this Act, and recommendations for any legislation or other measures necessary to improve the effectiveness or efficiency of the postal laws of the United States.
The Commission identified 13 areas of interest on which the public may focus its comments in addition to any other issues of interest related to the operation of the amendments of the PAEA.
1. Postal Service Financial Situation
2. Market Dominant Rate System
3. Competitive Rate System
4. Negotiated Service Agreements
5. Post Office Closing/Consolidation Procedures
6. Service Standards
7. Nonpostal Services
8. The Postal Service Fund and the Postal Service Competitive Products Fund
9. Advisory Opinion Process
10. Market Tests
11. Universal Service Obligation and the Postal Monopoly
12. Requirement of a Public Representative
13. Requirement of Commission Inspector General
All interested parties must submit comments to the Commission under Docket No. PI2016-3 no later than June 14, 2016.
The Postal Regulatory Commission is an independent federal agency that provides regulatory oversight over the U.S. Postal Service to ensure the transparency and accountability of the Postal Service and foster a vital and efficient universal mail system. The Commission is comprised of five Presidentially-appointed and Senate-confirmed Commissioners, each serving terms of six years. The Chairman is designated by the President. In addition to Acting Chairman Robert G. Taub, the other commissioners are Vice Chairman Nanci Langley and Commissioners Mark Acton and Tony Hammond. Follow the PRC on Twitter: @PostalRegulator
Source: Postal Regulatory Commission
Tags: 701 Report, Commission, Postal, Postal Regulatory Commission, Postal Service, PRC