Precision Avenue Team Learns by Traveling to New Locales

The President of Precision Avenue, Inc discussed a company retreat and the networking potential it will offer. She also outlined the ways travel opportunities function as leadership training events.

​Travel incentives are frequently up for grabs around the Precision Avenue, Inc office. The firm's promotional specialists recently took part in a business-wide competition, with winners qualifying for a retreat in Palm Springs, California. Whitney, the company's President, explained, "Nick and Christy from our office won the competition. They really stepped up to stand out in this contest, making all of us proud in the process."

At the R&R trip, Nick and Christy will be able to network with leaders from all corners of the industry. The laid-back atmosphere will allow for productive conversations that lead to beneficial connections. Whitney noted, "There's something inspiring about being surrounded by successful people, wherever it might occur. The fact that Nick and Christy will be in a sunny locale just makes it more likely that they return to the Precision Avenue, Inc office with valuable new contacts. They'll have plenty of chances to engage influential leaders in casual discussions free from any sources of everyday stress."

"Nick and Christy from our office won the competition. They really stepped up to stand out in this contest, making all of us proud in the process."

Whitney, President

Taking measured approaches into retreats and other industry gatherings helps members of Team Precision Avenue, Inc successfully add to their contact lists. Whitney commented, "We always remind our people to set modest connecting goals when they set out for a big industry function. It's best to focus on making a handful of genuine connections rather than have brief conversations with dozens of people. Leaving with three or four potentially beneficial contacts should be considered a major win."

Precision Avenue, Inc's President on How Retreats Provide Leadership Training

The Precision Avenue, Inc training program is immersive, giving team members hands-on education in a wide range of key areas. Leadership skills are emphasized during both initial and ongoing training programs, with travel events playing important roles building these essential abilities. The President added, "Events such as the Palm Springs retreat are ideal for giving our promotional specialists fresh insights to fuel their growth as future leaders. They get to discuss best practices and discover different approaches to leading others."

Retreats also allow for reflection on what's working back at the office and which areas need improvement. "Being around accomplished leaders lends some extra perspective here," Whitney remarked. "Our team members get to analyze their own approaches to work and leadership development while receiving helpful advice from top-flight managers."

About Precision Avenue

Precision Avenue is a leader in interactive marketing. The firm's team excels at developing on-site promotions that are enhanced by personalized touches. Each event positions products for maximum visibility. The associates' efforts center on making inroads into new markets. At the same time, they're committed to providing consumers with the utmost value through excellence in service. Precision Avenue is dedicated to maintaining a team of branding specialists with the skills and knowledge to forge new paths in the marketplace. Learn more by visiting them at

Source: Precision Avenue


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