Premier Inc. & Co. Expands, Eyes Future Growth

The Director of Operations at Premier Inc. & Co. detailed the firm's expansion into a major market and its plans for further growth. He linked these aggressive efforts with company leaders' emphasis on goal setting.

​Paul, the Director of Premier Inc. & Co., believes expanding into a new market helps keep an office fresh. That’s part of the reason he’s so excited about the firm’s opening of the Atlanta market. He explained, “When a team leaves on an expansion it opens up the door for all of my newer team members to fill the void left by those who go to a new office.” He continued, “Along with the Atlanta market, we are also entering Chicago and St. Louis, so there is plenty to look forward to in the next few months.”

Jose is leading the Atlanta expansion effort, and is responsible for motivating a team of people toward ambitious revenue goals. He commented, “I look to Paul for inspiration, and his management style gives me a perfect example of how to lead and how to treat people along the way. I’ve also been inspired by Mark Cuban because, like him, I started my career marketing products door to door. His work ethic pushed him to become a multi-billionaire, and I am doing my best to follow his example.”

"Here at Premier Inc. & Co., we enjoy challenging ourselves,"

Paul, Director

A scene from the movie “After Earth” also stands out in Jose’s mind as he pursues his goals. He stated, “I’ve always enjoyed Will Smith’s work. In that film he tells the character played by his son that fear is a product of our imaginations, and that danger is real, but fear is a choice. I think that means you have to push yourself and take risks if you want to become a better version of your current self, and those are things we do every day here at Premier Inc. & Co.”

Jose believes leaders must speak from positions of strength, so he holds himself to high standards when it comes to business acumen and doesn’t accept excuses from himself or anyone else. “Ultimately I have no one to blame but myself if I don’t accomplish my goals, and I remind my team members that they must adopt the same mind-set,” Jose added. “Success is a choice, and you have to choose it – it doesn’t choose you.”

Paul and the rest of the Premier Inc. & Co. leadership team emphasize communication and honesty, and Jose applies these attributes in all his pursuits. “You always want to have an open line of communication between you and your people so they feel they can come to you for anything,” Jose said. “Honesty is crucial because if you can’t trust the person you’re working for you won’t ever truly respect him or her.”

Premier Inc. & Co.’s Director of Operations Discusses the Importance of Goal Setting

“Here at Premier Inc. & Co., we enjoy challenging ourselves,” the Director stated. “That means setting progressively higher benchmarks and pushing ourselves to reach them. Our commitment to establishing audacious objectives led to winning rookie owner of the year at our last rest and relaxation retreat. We have also been in the top five offices out of 35 on a near-weekly basis.”

Paul has aggressive expansion goals for the near future. The Director remarked, “We at Premier Inc. & Co. still need to expand to the north side of Chicago, Indianapolis, Columbus, Cleveland, Detroit, and Minneapolis, and we plan to be active in at least three of these areas by the end of the year.”

About Premier Inc. & Co.

Premier Inc. & Co. is an innovative team of marketing specialists. The firm specializes in using interactive promotions to develop relationships between consumers and their favorite brands. This empowers the firm’s clients to reach their growth goals through significantly increased customer lifetime value. Premier Inc. & Co.’s success in the industry has resulted in the development a broad portfolio of clients ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. To learn how they are revolutionizing their clients’ brands, visit ​

Source: Premier Inc. & Co.


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