PressJack Free Social Magazine Application Launches

After several weeks being trailed and tested by publishers and content creators across the globe, PressJack has now released a free version of the social magazine software.

PressJack, the second product from publishing software developers Trinity Innovations was first introduced to beta users several weeks ago. It offered a desktop software solution allowing publishers to convert content from their blogs, RSS and other online locations into digital magazines that can be uploaded to their website.

"This early Beta gave our users a good insight of what they would be able to create, it also gave us great insights into what users wanted from a digital magazine maker application" Paul McNulty Managing Director explains, "Publishers are creating great content online and PressJack allows these creators to point and click which content to convert, customise the magazine design and upload to their site. Publishers can build visually stunning digital magazines that fit their brand and are tailored to readers' interests."

This social news market and news apps have exploded since the launch of the iPad but there is one key difference between those apps and PressJack. Apps such as FlipBoard, Zite and Pulse are only available on the iPad while PressJack is a desktop application available for windows, Mac and Linux. Currently PressJack outputs the files into a flash magazine so it can't be read on an iPad, we are however working on a solution that will output the digital edition in HTML5 so it can be viewed on any device including the iPad.

Content creation is becoming a key Marketing priority for businesses "We found from research that 70% of our customers are creating new content daily. Lengthy, creation-design-print cycles were delaying this content being released to readers; these readers have become accustomed to 'live news' so we started developing PressJack to fill the gap" says Paul McNulty. "The PressJack solution enables users to create digital magazines in an instant, from their online content without the need for particular design or IT skills."

There are three versions of PressJack available including a free version. This free version contains advertising but will provide bloggers a solution to convert their content into an eloquently organised digital magazine experience and also allow commercial clients to test the water before purchasing a version without ads.
The website allows visitors to download the free software and get started in minutes.


Tags: create online publication, Digital Magazine, digital publishing software

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Hannah Baldaro
Press Contact, Trinity Innovations
Trinity Innovations
2 Deenystown, woodlands, Letterkenny,
Donegal. Ireland