Price of Waste Disposal Services Increases for Victorian Businesses in Bid to Improve Waste Management

Last month, the Victorian landfill levy increased by over 60%, allowing the state government to provide funding for various initiatives to increase recycling and reduce waste.
waste management melbourne

 Since its introduction, the waste levy system has significantly contributed to improving waste management throughout Victoria. According to national waste service broker, Waste Sense, the increased landfill levy creates an incentive for all waste generators to reduce the amount of waste deposited at landfill.

Unlike traditional waste companies, Waste Sense is not invested in any particular stream of waste and is better placed to assist in waste management Melbourne-wide. As a waste service broker, Waster Sense has no incentive to send waste to the tip if it can be avoided. In fact, almost a third of the company's services involve recycled waste.

Offering great alternatives for waste diversion from landfill and keeping costs down through increased recycling options, Waste Sense caters to commercial clients throughout Australia, helping them to find a reliable waste solution that's suited to their business.

According to Waste Sense, Victorian businesses should expect increases to the price of their waste disposal services to continue over the next few years as part of the state government's 10-year 'Recycling Victoria' strategy.

As a leader in waste management services Melbourne-wide, Waste Sense works proactively with customers to divert waste from landfill into the recycling markets. Providing independent and unbiased advice on waste solutions, Waste Sense takes the time to understand individual business needs and audits current processes before providing the most cost-effective recycling and waste management programs.

Waste Sense has ongoing relationships with waste service providers of all sizes. Their extensive customer network produces varying degrees of waste, which allows Waste Sense to leverage relationships with waste service providers to negotiate better rates and deliver more effective waste management services Melbourne- and Australia-wide.

Based in Melbourne, Waste Sense manages over 1,000 waste collections a week in Australia and is actively working towards a target of 'zero waste to landfill'. The company has achieved a recycling rate of over 80% and continuously strives to achieve this.

To enquire about more cost-efficient business waste management solutions Melbourne-wide, contact Waste Sense directly.

Source: Waste Sense


Tags: Melbourne, Waste Collection, Waste Management

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