Private Company Index Adds New Revenue Indexes

Entrex is pleased to announce the Entrex Market Index, ("EMI"), an index tracking the monthly revenue performance of all companies listed in the Entrex Capital Market System.

Entrex is pleased to announce the expansion of the Private Company Index, started in 2006, ( to include a sub-index called the Entrex Market Index, ("EMI"), an index tracking the monthly revenue performance of all companies listed in the Entrex Capital Market System. These listed companies have or are in the process of raising capital with the TIGRcub® Security structure.

Entrex CEO, Stephen H. Watkins, said "Over the last few years, Entrex Market Members who are FINRA registered broker dealers have been very successful placing Initial TIGRcub Offerings ("ITOs") for Entrex listed companies. Entrex listed companies are profitable growth businesses that produce positive cash-flow with established histories of revenue. Historical revenues allow us to create the Entrex Market Index that, in aggregate, tracks revenue performance of the Entrex Capital Market".

"As TIGRcub® Security issuance reach concentration levels in selected industries, sector oriented sub-indices can emerge and become very meaningful towards identifying industry specific economic trends. Expected to be announced at the upcoming 2013 Leadership Conference, sponsored by Fortune Magazine, is a sub-index designed for Gazelles growth companies. Also, plans are underway to create and publish indices for each of the various TIGRcub Funds. These sub-indicies establish a matrix of revenue growth performance by fund" continued Watkins, "The future of these sector and fund level indexes is getting interesting. Entrex was recently approached with the idea of publishing selected revenue indices as the basis for investment products".


The Private Company Index, or PCI, was established in 2006 creating a proprietary benchmarking tool that measures revenue performance of private companies with $500 million or less of annual revenue. Historically the companies participating in the index have operating histories of 13 years and started participating the index with $17 million in annual revenues.

ABOUT TIGRcub® Securities:
TIGRcubs or Top-Line Income Generation Rights Certificates are debt securities, which offer institutional investors a structure for yield realization that is based on gross revenues in private or in thinly traded public companies. The security structure avoids the problems of liquidity and valuation of equity and warrants commonly associated with investments in middle market companies.

Entrex is the place to find, research, and track investments in entrepreneurial companies. Through the TIGRcub® Security structure, investors and companies are brought together through the Entrex Capital Market System allowing companies to obtain visibility with institutional investors and raise capital by sharing a small percentage of revenues with investors. Investors generate monthly current income, return of principal, and can realize overall risk adjusted returns and liquidity that is protected from the volatility of today's equity capital markets.


Tags: EMI, Entrex, fortune, Fortune Magazine, Gazelles, Market Index, PCI, Private Company Index

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Entrex created a Capital Market System for Entrepreneurial Companies. Working with Finance Professionals, and our revenue based TIGRcub security, we have a unique, proven, system to efficiently and effectively raise capital for entrepreneurs.

Stephen Watkins
Press Contact, Entrex
150 East Palmetto Rd, Suite 800 (Suite 800)
Boca Raton, FL 33432
United States