Pro Bono COVID-19 Workers' Compensation Representation

BALTIMORE, April 1, 2020 ( - Warnken, LLC will represent healthcare workers or public safety employees exposed to COVID-19 at work pro bono. Warnken, LLC wants to help. Here’s the criteria for those exposed:
· Diagnosed with COVID-19.
· Works in Maryland.
· A public safety employee; or
· A healthcare worker working in a facility where COVID-19 patients are being diagnosed or treated
· Exposed to COVID-19 at work
The lawyers at Warnken, LLC have been trying to figure out how best to help. Jim Lanier, attorney at Warnken, LLC, was primary drafter of a proposed new bill that would create a presumption under Maryland law that healthcare workers at COVID-19 facilities, and public safety employees, got COVID-19 at work. That bill is with government relations professionals actively seeking sponsorship.
But whether or not this law is passed, Warnken, LLC will not charge any fee for a healthcare worker or a public safety employee who got COVID-19 at work. Warnken, LLC has always tried to stop insurance companies from pushing injured people around. The crisis is no different.
The workers Warnken, LLC can help include, but are not limited to, police officers, firefighters, first responders, EMT’s, paramedics, ambulance workers, nurses, doctors, technicians, and more. Warnken, LLC is proud to support everyday heroes.
The proposed law is a small modification to Maryland Code, Labor & Employment, section 9-503. See below for the applicable addition to the existing presumptions law.
(e) COVID-19. – A COVID-19 covered employee who is a “public safety employee” under Section 9-628(a) of this title, or is an employee who is employed at a location in which individuals were diagnosed with or were treated for COVID-19 at the time of the employment is presumed to have an occupational disease that was sustained in the line of duty and is compensable under this title if the COVID-19 covered employee is diagnosed with COVID-19.
About Warnken, LLC
Warnken, LLC is a law firm representing the injured throughout the State of Maryland. Warnken, LLC has been General Counsel to the Maryland Troopers Association for more than twenty years. Warnken, LLC has a focus on workers’ compensation, personal injury, law enforcement, and medical malpractice.
Media Contact: Byron Warnken; 443-921-1104
Source: Warnken, LLC
Tags: corona virus, coronavirus workers' compensation, covid-19 at work, covid-19 workers comp, covid19, LLC, Warnken, workers' compensation