Project Management for EU Funded Projects, 16th - 17th May 2013, Berlin, Germany

European workshop - How to Develop, Plan and Manage an EU Funded Project Successfully

The current architecture of European Funds and direct grants offers a wide range of funding opportunities to support innovative projects. However, funding is often not used effectively or it may be denied due to poor planning. For EU funded projects the European Commission requires the use of Project Cycle Management (PCM).

In addition, a core tool within PCM is the Logical Framework Approach (LFA). The LFA supports the different stages of PCM and should provide an information base for completing the required PCM documents. LFA is a very effective analytical and managerial tool.
Project Managers of EU funded projects have to be familiar with all different phases of PCM to successfully implement and manage their projects and to fulfill the requirements of the European Commission. Furthermore, they should know how to use the LFA.

At this European workshop participants will strengthen their practical skills and optimise their project management tools. With this, the efficient implementation of their projects is guaranteed and the threat of funding recovery is minimized.

All details regarding the programme and the speakers as well as the registration formalities are available here:

The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law is an educational network for knowledge regarding the latest, relevant developments in Europe. Educational tools are specialised events for advanced learning and these vary from national and European seminars to workshops, panel discussions, in-house training, conferences and symposiums. These events provide the most current and relevant information with high practical relevance for authorities on the European, national, regional and local level and for private companies all across Europe.


Tags: eu, EU Funds, European Law, financing, Project Management, public sector, Public-Private Partnership

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