Prominent Marine & Offshore Engineers to Share Life Stories to Inspire the Younger Generation

The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) Presents Public Lecture on "Development of Marine & Offshore Engineering - Past, Present and Future" & Maritime Engineering Careers Exhibition

Industry captains and illustrious figures instrumental in Singapore’s growth into a global marine and offshore hub over the past fifty years will share personal accounts of their experiences and reveal emerging industry and career opportunities at the IES Public Lecture on “Development of Marine & Offshore Engineering – Past, Present and Future” on 10 September at Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

Designed to enthuse the young to choose marine and offshore engineering as a career, the event will cover motivational stories on challenges faced by pioneers and how they stood up against the odds; unfolding global needs in designing next-generation, sustainable ships and offshore structures; exciting career opportunities for young marine and offshore engineers in Singapore; and increasing accessibility of quality training in this field in local universities.

Mr. Choo Chiau Beng, Senior Advisor, Keppel Corporation will give the keynote address focusing on the ways to encourage students to take up careers as engineers or scientists in Singapore, after IES President Er. Chong Kee Sen’s welcome address.

“We can only seize emerging opportunities in the marine and offshore industry if our younger generation steps forth to continue the legacy of the pioneer generation of engineers. We need the brightest of minds and the most passionate of hearts to come forward to take up engineering roles in this industry, to continue to dream big and venture into uncharted waters,” said Er. Chong.

“At the IES Public Lecture series, we present the visionaries, the champions and the prominent figures who have collectively placed Singapore on the global map of marine and offshore engineering. It is our aim that their life stories will inspire the younger generation to follow in their footsteps and bring marine and offshore engineering in Singapore to greater success,” added Er. Chong.

12 exhibitors will showcase innovations and career opportunities in the marine and offshore industry at the Maritime Engineering Careers Exhibition, to be held alongside the public lecture. One of the innovations to be presented at the exhibition is ABB’s Onboard DC Grid power system, which is designed to enhance the efficiency of generators, optimising fuel consumption and reducing hazardous emission and to remove the need for AC switchboards and bulky propulsion transformers, increasing available space and deadweight for cargo. The power system has been tested to reduce fuel consumption by 10% and noise level by 5 decibels, helping companies in the industry improve their bottom lines and reduce their environmental footprints.

Supported by ABB; Joint Branch of RINA and IMarEST; Keppel Offshore & Marine; Lloyd’s Register; MacGregor; National University of Singapore (CORE); Newcastle University; Ngee Ann Polytechnic (COI-MOT); the Republic of Singapore Navy; the Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF); the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers; Singapore (SNAMES) and Singapore Technologies Marine Ltd, the event is one of many IES activities put in place in conjunction with SG50 celebrations.

A key pillar of Singapore’s growth since the 1960s, the marine and offshore industry contributes S$20 billon or 7% to Singapore’s GDP in 2013.

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About The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES)

The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) was formally established in July 1966 as the national society of engineers in Singapore. IES is the premier engineering institution in Singapore and is called upon by the Government to provide feedback on professional engineering matters.

IES is well represented among the faculty members of the major engineering institutions of higher learning in Singapore. Through close collaboration with the local universities and polytechnics, IES organises courses, seminars and talks for engineers and IES members to advance the continuous development of engineers.

The Institution maintains close links with professional organisations of engineers regionally and throughout the world. These include organisations in Australia, China, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States. The Institution also represents Singapore in the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO) and the Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP) in promoting goodwill, fellowship and exchange of knowledge among all engineers in ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific region.

Through its Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB), IES obtained full signatory status in the Washington Accord (WA) in June 2006. The entry grants IES the authority to represent Singapore, the first country within the ASEAN region which has obtained full signatory status in the WA, to vet education systems under the WA mutual recognition framework.

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Desmond Teo                                                                       

Publications Manager                                              

The Institution of Engineers, Singapore               

DID      : (65) 6461 1229                                         

Mobile: (65) 9747 9365                                           

Email   : [email protected]                            

Jeslyn Pua

Senior Associate

The Right Spin Public Relations

DID      : (65) 6325 5929

Mobile: (65) 9369 9598

Email: [email protected]   


Tags: Engineer, engineering, marine offshore