Property Invest Finder Reports That the Recent UK Housing Market Growth Is Promising for Property Investors

UK house prices are rising steadily according to various sources and will continue to rise. Government schemes such as Help to Buy and Funding for Lending have increased demand for homes. There are several hot spots for property investment in the UK.

Property Invest Finder reports that UK house prices are rising and the property market is recovering strongly. Several sources indicate that more people will be able to get on the property ladder soon, with the investment market looking very promising. Ben Ireton from Property invest Finder confirms that over the last quarter he has seen a 15% rise in first time investors and the investment queries.

According to the Office of National Statistics' latest House Price Index report, UK house price values in August 2013 were 3.8% higher than the previous year at £247,000. This growth remained stable across most parts of the UK, with London prices rising faster than the UK average. Confirmation comes from Halifax, which reports a 6.2% increase in the three months to September 2013, compared to the same three months last year. This growing trend is set to continue in 2014, which is promising news for property investors. Head of sales at property investment finder Alex Piyke confirms that the overall house price increase is mainly due to the investment influx to inner London and the increase in lending. This coupled with the increase in the rental market has generated a stream of buy to let investors trying to profit from the good yields in inner London properties.

The strengthening economic recovery, growing consumer confidence, cheaper mortgages and government schemes have all contributed to rising property values and the strong demand for homes.

The government's Help to Buy scheme is applicable to the whole market and enables individuals to obtain mortgages on a 5% deposit. Lenders will be more willing to offer mortgages as well, as they can now buy a guarantee from the government for up to 15% of the loan. The Funding for Lending scheme, launched last year has also increased demand for homes. It offers cheap loans to banks and building societies, on the condition that they lend the money on. The results of these schemes are positive so far - the number of loans that were approved for house purchase in September 2013 has surged to 40% compared to a year ago according to the British Banks Association. Mr. Pradeep mylwaganam head of lending at up Mortgages is very confident in the growth of the property market and feels that majority of loan applications are looked at positively at present.

There are several top investment hot spots in UK where buyers can snap up bargains. These include Wales, West Midlands, Huddersfield, North East, Leighton Buzzard and Cambridge. In addition, savvy buy-to-let landlords can profit well from the rising house prices in London. As rates remain low and yields are high, there is an increase in activity. Confidence is high among both lenders and investors, and this is sparking the growth in the property market sector.

About Property Invest Finder (PIF)
PIF is an advisory practice specialising in residential and commercial property investment in London and the UK. With over 50 years of combined experience, PIF overlooks important tasks to fulfil the investor's requirement such as negotiation of deals and prices and financial analysis. PIF does not sell its own properties - it scrutinizes on- and off-market properties to ensure the investor gets the best deal possible. PIF is one of the first in the property investment market to offer no fee sales for vendors. For further information about PIF, visit


Tags: London, property investment, UK Housing Market

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