Proposal for an All Day Concert

"Breaking the Cycle Starts with Awareness" there is simply not enough being done to stop abuse in any form. That is what we plan to do stop it by talking about it changing laws,speaking out.

Proposal for All Day Concert "New Hope for the New Year" January 2011

We are a California based foundation planning an all day concert at the Santa Monica Civic Center. This project will be directed to:
• inner city children
• foster care
• children attending Free Arts
• Boys and Girls Club
• Safe Passages as well as other at risk children's groups not identified at this time.

Our mission is to instill in children how important it is to break the cycle of abuse and that they can heal from their painful past. The circumstances they have grown up in do not have to define who they are. These children from various organizations will be our focus and as such, they will be seated in front receiving VIP treatment Numerous speakers, many who have survived their own abusive past, are willing to donate their time to this worthy cause.

• Michelle Lovetro, Producer, Founder CEO Angel Entertainment Foundation, Soaring High Entertainment Cooperative, Survivor, Author In the Shadows of A Cult (in manuscript stage)
• Carmina Salcido, Author , Not Lost Forever has also appeared on 20/20
• Debora Boudreau, my friend of twenty years who received a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) as well as a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) at 50 and is the Author of, Can You Hear Me Now?
• Angela Shelton, Documentary Film Maker, took a journey and did a film on the subject of abuse. Searching for Angela Shelton she is on our wish list.
• Dr. Kandis Blakely PHD Psychotherapy, Kinesiology Author NDT New Decision Therapy
• Others will be added as plans progress.

Tickets will be sold to the general public. We will invite other groups that deal with at risk children and the subject of abuse to set up tables to display available services.
Our intention is to have bands entertaining all day to include one or two A list bands budget providing. I have several entertainers who have volunteered to appear. A few of these up and coming artists are children.

• Chloe Jordache: has worked with Quincy Jones and wants to stay involved with us.
• Angels In America; Rock/Pop/Funk/Soul/Electronica
• Brooke Rose
• Emma Winkler
More will be added as planning progresses.

Music and the arts are healing and therapeutic. Many of the artists I have spoken to have shared their personal experiences with me. We will be combining with New Decision Therapy, a trademarked therapy from Dr. Kandis Blakely, with the arts to help heal our social infrastructure.

Dr. Blakely will train other therapists in NDT, so they can share the same great success experienced with children incarcerated in Dominica prisons. She has traveled across the world opening clinics and teaching. This will create healthy, stable individuals, who will go on to make a difference and carry the torch.

It is our desire to spread our word and hope for healing across the globe to all cultures. California and Dominica will be our starting point. The passion of this Foundation is to:
• see the taboo subject of abuse talked about openly
• bring about common awareness
• change the way the victims are treated
• provide healing

It is sad that people do not want to talk about it and make the victim feel they must stay silent. The facts are staggering one in four children is abused, most by someone close to them, father, family member, sibling, or neighbor. Why are so many willing to cover their eyes, ears, and walk away, pretending nothing happened? Why are so many unable to deal with it? Courts do not have stiff enough penalties and often will not believe the unsophisticated child at the hands of perceptive defense attorneys. I have personal experience of this.

Our intention is to provide a day of fun, which is thought provoking. It is our hope to make noise and bring change.
Cost Auditorium $ 5,000
Halls TBD
Outdoor area TBT
Insurance TBT
A List Bands $ 12,000.00 each Bands (other) $ 200.00 each
Lighting and security $ 10,000 each

Income Donations and Sponsorships Ticket Sales T-Shirt Sales "Break the Cycle, Get Healed" The Foundation plans to give a shirt to every child receiving VIP treatment and sell the remaining inventory to attendees. Media coverage is expected and welcomed.

We also hope the Mayor and Chamber will get behind us from every outlying city. There is strong support from the entertainment community. Many are aware we are here, including Oprah Winfrey, who loves Dominica and Johnny Depp whom has been contacted through his through his manager.


Tags: Break the Cycle, Catch the Vision, Create a Better World

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Michelle Lovetro
Press Contact, Angel Enertainment Foundation
Angel Enertainment Foundation
P O Box 15665
North Hollywood, CA 91605