Provailen Launches Arthritic Advice Portal

With 46 million people in the US alone suffering from some form of arthritis and a further 22 million expected to join them by 2030 (294,000 of which will be children); living with arthritis is no longer a rarity.

More and more of us of becoming subject to this chronically painful condition, many without even realising it.

Fortunately you no longer have to suffer in silence...

In light of the growing number of cases of osteoarthritis, gout and fibromyalgia (to name a few), Provailen have launched an in-depth advice portal to offer you the support, guidance and advice you need to deal with this condition.

"Too many of us are suffering in silence because we feel we are too young to have arthritis or are unaware of the symptoms. Yet there are currently 8 million 18-44 year olds with arthritis in the world. And this number is growing," reveals Dr. Annie Salt.

Continuing: "No one should have to live this way, not when a little knowledge can help you to manage your symptoms, improve your lifestyle and ensure you are living your life to the fullest."

"That is why we have created this portal. To ensure you can gain access to everything you need to know about this condition: symptoms, treatments, exercise... so you are never alone."

And Provailen have remained true to their word, covering a diversity of different topics within their advice section.

From basic information regarding arthritis, bursitis, fibromyalgia, gout, lupus, Lyme disease and scleroderma to dietary advice, tips and exercises to help relieve your symptoms; this advice portal can provide you with all the guidance you need to take control of your condition and move forward.

A Life Without Pain, Stopping Arthritis Pain At The Source

Offering 87.6% of consumers a 90% reduction in arthritis pain relief; by combining Reishi, LongJack-Tongkat Ali and Capsaicin, Provailen can help you to treat arthritis by:

• Boosting the production of macrophage T-cells in your body which find and 'eat' bacteria, viruses and dead cells which contribute to joint inflammation
• Increasing muscle tissue growth and strengthening joints

And free of the common side effects associated with anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ulcers, kidney and liver damage, consumers can feel 100% confident that their bodies and more importantly their health is in safe hands. For more information visit the Provailen Arthritis Pain Advice section.


Tags: arthritis advice, arthritis pain relief, Provailen

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Annie Salt
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2151 W Commerce St.
Dallas, TX 75212
United States