Provide Customer Support Center and Deliver a Memorable Customer Experience with EAssistance Pro Live Chat Tool

The live chat tool allows easy tracking of real time visitors and understanding of customer behavior. eAssistance Pro has got all essential properties required to provide seamless live chat solution.

Crowded with online market, today there is a rough race to get the customers' loyalty. Nowadays customers are opting for a better alternative and in general look to buy from the vendors, who use latest and best techniques to serve them. Fortunately, with option available as eAssistance Pro live chat software it has got lot easier to create a memorable customer experience for their customers. Smartly programmed and integrated with some of the most stunning features, this live chat support software primarily aims on providing the best customer services and that too effortlessly.

A simple operation of live chat facilitates customer grab all the required and essential info about the products or services offered in comparison to other means of communication. Online website visitors who use Live Chat are more likely to make a purchase than those who doesn't. The application provides easy contact and access center and at the same time makes visitor feel secure and confident purchasing from you.

eAssistance Pro

Talking about email communication where one has to wait for certain time to get a proper answer, eAssistance is one such excellent live chat application that enables you to develop fast and easy communication between website visitors and initiate a meaningful chat session.

Use this Live Chat application and make the most of your online presence. Through live chat, it gets lot easier to deliver a seamless customer care service. Adding to that, eAssistance Pro provides you with ideal solution to offer 24/7 online help support services to your customers. Using this feature you could easily get connected to your customers whenever they feel easy.

This one-click chat solution offers its user with wide set of advance features that make it the most preferred live chat software available in the market nowadays. The application is much easier to set-up and operates easily. An individual can effortlessly integrate with any website. All it takes is just a matter of a few minutes where user would just require copying the available chat button code and pasting it on the website source code.

Most Remarkable Features of Software

1 Offers easy users - oriented and Customers - oriented customization facility both at user Interface level and functionality level.

2 Allows chatting with several visitors and share customer chat sessions with other operators at the same time.

3 Facilitates highly secure communication interface and settings panel like Push Canned Messages, Chat Archive, Chat Invitation to configure operator accounts.

4 Extracts knowledge out of the traffic data and provide report highlighting website traffic every day and comprehensive website visitor's log.

5 Allows tracing of all website visitors provided with visitors' IP addresses, host name, country, browsing history along GEO location.

6 Integrated with 256-bit SSL encryption, which ultimately ensures high security right from unauthorized access of data.


1 Boasts of a new Standalone operator along with easy setting option in Admin section.

2 Interactive web based console allowing operators to have better control on fields appearing in the visitor chat.

3 Offers facility to add the live chat button on any number of websites or web pages.

4 Facilitates numerous distinct Live Chat icons enabling easy creation of professional look and feel

Trial Version Available

This live chat application is available in a 15-day trial period. During 15-day trial period you can easily use the software and experience its quality chat service. Nevertheless, user looking to but the software can opt various customizable service packs depending upon the requirement.

The application is fully compatible with all major OS and mobile platforms. Undoubtedly, with live chat software you could earn customers' loyalty by delivering a memorable customer experience.


Tags: live chat, live chat software, live chat tool

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Bunny Austin
Press Contact, eAssistance Pro