Vast Free Downloading of Psychotherapy Books Throughout the World

The International Psychotherapy Institute (IPI) website, provides free downloads of 382 scholarly ebooks to readers throughout the world. Already there have been over 598,882 free downloads in 218 countries. As other organizations follow this in their fields of interest, this vast distribution of free ebooks will change the world.

Around 1440 Johannes Gutenberg devised a printing system that made books far less expensive than handwritten manuscripts.  Many others followed and this increase in communication was monumental.  Today the International Psychotherapy Institute (IPI) has shown how books can be downloaded free to computers, tablets and phones throughout the world.  As other organizations follow this model, there will be an immense increase in communication.

How is this possible?  Ebooks have no costs for paper, printing, binding, warehousing, or shipping, and, since in return for extensive distribution, authors are often willing to give up royalties, these books are free.  Readers in 218 countries have already downloaded over 500,000 ebooks from the IPI site.  Soon there will be millions.  Just as Gutenberg'sā€‹ printing press, this will change the world.ā€‹

"The distribution of my books has reached the tens of thousands throughout the world which far exceeds distribution of all the rest of my books put together over a 30- year period."

Lawrence Hedges, PhD

Now available for book review are 3 important scholarly works:

The Technique of Psychotherapy by Lewis Wolberg M.D. 2639 pages

The Loving Self: Therapy as a Mutually Loving Process by Joseph Natterson, M.D.  177 pages

The Transformative Power of Optimal Stress by Martha Stark, M.D. 208 pages



Jason Aronson M.D.


[email protected]


Tags: books, child therapy, ebooks, Gutenburg, medical, mental health, psychoanalysis, psychology, psychotherapy, publishing, therapy

About Free Psychotherapy Books

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The International Psychotherapy Institute (IPI) has created a website, where there is free downloading of titles in psychotherapy, psychiatry and psychoanalysis.

Free Psychotherapy Books
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New York, NY 10003
United States