Pulmonary Horizons® Partners With Right2Breathe™ Campaign

Like minded patient focused respiratory non-profit organizations join forces for increased on-site patient screening targeting automotive and motorsports industries and events. Both organizations to collaborate to provide screening for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - COPD - and other respiratory medical conditions at Motorsport events across the United States in 2016 and beyond.

​​The Right2Breathe™ Campaign; a cause marketing program based in Flemington, NJ announced an Official Partnership with Pulmonary Horizons®, to provide educational and awareness resources about Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for their 2016 motorsports activation, screening and awareness campaign. The two non-profit organizations are combining their efforts to increasing awareness, screenings, diagnosis and education to find the estimated 12 million Americans who live with COPD daily but have yet to be diagnosed. 

The mission of Pulmonary Horizons® is to provide the highest quality, balanced, patient centered cross-continuum education™ in a learning environment that fosters critical thinking, encourages participation by all stakeholders, and instill a strong appreciation of practical knowledge and applied evidence-based programs in the treatment and management of patients diagnosed with COPD.

"Education and screening is a common goal of all stakeholders involved in awareness campaigns to empower the public with information about COPD, and our collective efforts increases the focus at the grassroots level with a captive audience through the car racing sport. My passion for making a difference comes from years of treating patients and understanding firsthand the gaps that exist in knowledge, and as a caregiver and advocate with parents who were diagnosed with COPD."

Vernon Pertelle, President and Executive Director of Pulmonary Horizons Inc.

The Right2Breathe™ Campaign was co-founded in July 2014 by Joe Morrison and Tim Charlet; two second-generation Drag Racers who have personal experience as caregivers for family members with pulmonary disease including COPD. Their Right2Breathe™ Project is targeted to a passionate fan-base of over 50 million individuals in the United States; who share a common passion for motorsports and automotive industry as the organizational co-founders that due to their vocation or lifestyle choices are at high-risk for developing respiratory medical conditions.

"We are pleased to partner with Right2Breathe™ to increase the visibility of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)," said Vernon R Pertelle; President and Executive Director, Pulmonary Horizons, Inc. "Education and screening is a common goal of all stakeholders involved in awareness campaigns to empower the public with information about COPD, and our collective efforts increases the focus at the grassroots level with a captive audience through the car racing sport. My passion for making a difference comes from years of treating patients and understanding firsthand the gaps that exist in knowledge, and as a caregiver and advocate with parents who were diagnosed with COPD.”

Pulmonary Horizons and Right2Breathe are nonprofit, tax-exempt IRS Section 501 (c) (3) organizations dedicated to shift the traditional approaches to include new knowledge.  In addition, incorporate the best resources and services to their fullest potential to help participants manage the care of patients more effectively. 

"COPD rings home for me and is the core inspiration for our Right2Breathe™ Campaign," stated Joe Morrison, CEO of the Right2Breathe™ Campaign. "I want to share what I have learned while helping my father find ways to live with his COPD. Through our shared passion for NHRA drag racing, we have found that you can still do what you love even with respiratory challenges. Together we've had an active role in New Jersey supporting COPD education, screening and awareness for the past four years. In two short years, we have considerably expanded our reach. Thanks to the support of the Vernon Pertelle and Pulmonary Horizons® we hope to expand our program in order to educate the extensive motorsports fan base about the dangers of COPD and provide them with tools and resources to reduce their risk potential."

To learn more about the Right2Breathe Campaign, please visit their website at http://www.right2breathe.org. You can also follow them via social media locations on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/right2breathe and on Twitter @Right_2_Breathe.

To learn more about Pulmonary Horizons, please visit their website at http://www.pulmonaryhorizons.org. You can also follow them via social media locations on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pulmonaryhorizons and on Twitter @PulmonaryH


Tags: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD, Joe Morrison, Pulmonary Horizons, Respiratory disease, Respiratory Health, Right2Breathe, Tim Charlet, Vernon Pertelle

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