PULSE of NY Announces Next Patient Safety Advocacy Training Session

PULSE of NY's summer training in patient safety will take place over three dates in August.

Patient safety education and advocacy group PULSE of NY has announced the dates for its summer 2016 round of Family-Centered Patient Safety Advocacy Training.

Is your elderly parent in need of support when going to the doctor?  Are you constantly being called by family and friends to take them to their doctor's visit? Are you — or someone you care about — going for surgery? Have you prepared "The Lists" (medications, symptoms, and questions)?

"Now is the time to think about how you can help . . . someone through the healthcare system."

Ilene Corina, President, PULSE of NY

Maybe you are thinking of a new career? This training is an important first step.

If any of these apply to you — and even if they don't — now is the time to think about how you can help: what you can do to be productive and help someone through the healthcare system while not alienating healthcare staff. 

Over three classes, PULSE of NY trainers will help you learn to become assertive but respectful when talking to doctors and nurses, and find out how medical errors — now the third-leading cause of death in the country — happen.  In small, intimate classes you will learn about getting the most from your time with the clinician; you'll be prepared for the mistakes that may happen, and you'll learn how to communicate with patients at their most vulnerable time while also communicating with the medical team so they "really hear" you.

This training was developed with information collected from 20 years of bedside advocacy as well as from medical professionals and national leaders in patient safety. 

Watch a short video in which past participants tell how their training helped them to help their families: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24BP6yDBCk0

When: Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2016 (part 1), Aug. 10, 2016 (part 2) and Aug. 17, 2016 (part 3).
Time: 5:30-8:30 PM
Place: 3601 Hempstead Tpk., Levittown NY 11756
For costs and registration, please click here to register - classes are small so please register early. Registration deadline: July 20.

Visit www.pulseofny.org for more information, or call (516) 579-4711.

Source: PULSE of NY


Tags: advocacy, classes, clinician, communication, healthcare, patient safety, training

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About Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy (formerly PULSE OF NY)

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Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy (formerly PULSE of New York) is a grassroots, nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization working to improve patient safety through advocacy education and support services.

Ilene Corina
President, PULSE of NY, Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy (formerly PULSE OF NY)
Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy (formerly PULSE OF NY)
PO Box 353
Wantagh, NY 11793-0353
United States