Pure volume Music Sharing Script

Agriya Info way is a creative institution that involves itself in the designing and deployment of software that empowers the Web 2.0 revolution. It is based in Chennai,further information is to be had at http://www.agriya.com/products-volume/

Volume 2.0 - The Music Streaming Script Picks the Pace up a Notch
Chennai-based Ahsan Technologies has always pursued an energetic product evolution policy. Their software scripts are squarely aimed at the social networking scene on the Internet, and it can be said that the rapid development of the Internet user experience at large over the past five years has a great deal to do with the efforts of Ahsan in turning the trickle-down of cutting-edge Internet technology into a stream-down. Building a seamless Facebook-like experience on iShare on about $800 a customer, a spectacular social networking environment on less than $400 or a polished video streaming website with Rayzz on even less - Ahsan's easy-to-use scripts and well-rehearsed installation and guidance systems, have rapidly brought to the masses the power to express themselves.

In a world where musicians publish or perish, Volume has been Ahsan's award-winning music sharing script that has led the charge placing power in the hands of musicians. The first iteration of Volume was based on the Joomla engine. When music sharing really took off, Ahsan supercharged the basic structure of Volume, with the powerful Rayzz chassis, and this has helped Volume's customers experience smooth, professional results. Volume today is up for a major version upgrade; it enters Version 2.0, to bring to Volume customers some of the latest advances in the music commercialization technology.
Artists who run a music service based on Volume 2.0, will be able to showcase their best promotional artwork on their own block. New members when they sign up, can choose to have their access open up to their own profile, or to their favourite artist's block. Artists can show their appreciation of their fans, by listing them on their blocks.

Evolutionary changes to the music player in Version 2.0, are especially significant. Listeners can keep an eye on the bigger picture, now that the player allows information to be presented on all the tracks chosen for a listen. And when they decide to buy one, they can add a track to their shopping cart, from within the player. Artists have the choice to offer only full albums for sale, or individual tracks. And they can offer any length of preview timing, they choose http://www.agriya.com/products-volume/. The artist gets to choose whether an album gets uploaded as private or public. Only the artist gets to make changes or upload new tracks - when she chooses to make the album private.
Some of the changes to Volume in version 2.0 change the way payment handling is done. Payment is tightly integrated with PayPal. Successful purchases unlock tracks on the inbuilt player. A purchase is automatically reflected on the artist's earnings page too. The webmaster has the flexibility to allow the artist to set her own payout amount. The website administrator can choose to pay the artist by PayPal, or by other methods .

Popular features retained from previous versions include the ability the webmaster has to manage membership by communicating with newsletters, and to provide great social networking features. The members of a music website built on volume 2.0, can easily share their views on the artists on board, with e-mail and internal messaging. Revenue-generating features like banner advertising are integrated within too.

Ahsan's vice president of marketing, Sheerin Banu, whose vision often shapes key features of important versions released, has always felt that making music commercially viable is an important way to ensure sustained artistic creativity. Ms.Banu notes at the release of version 2.0 that, " As much as advances in music technology have placed creative power in the hands of the individual artist, the Internet needs to take that creative power to an artist's adoring fans, and help them promote and support music as a financially rewarding activity. Volume 2.0 is but one important step in that direction".


Tags: music portal script, music portal software, music sharing script, online music player, Pure volume clone

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