Purified Air Shield Announces an Exciting New SafeCube Purified Air Cubicle for Schools

Purified Air Shield, LLC announces the SafeCube desk cubicle in which a directed flow of purified air surrounds the student, providing a safer micro-environment that reduces the risk of infection. The air continuously circulates through a patent-pending series of HEPA filters and ultraviolet light treatments, killing airborne pathogens.

​Purified Air Shield, LLC has created a patent-pending SafeCube desk cubicle that provides a directed flow of purified air surrounding the student’s desk space creating a safer micro-environment that removes airborne pathogens and contaminants reducing the risk of infection. Students can study and learn safely without concern for viral infection. The air continuously circulates through a patent-pending series of HEPA filters and ultraviolet light processes that kill airborne pathogens. SafeCube is very space-efficient and easily installed allowing schools to maintain classroom size and rapidly provide for student safety.

Passive social distancing is not a practical solution for the millions of students that need to start school again and continue their education. Viruses are easily transmitted through inevitable coughing and sneezing. And school classrooms are simply not large enough to provide enough distance between student desks. Current school board distance recommendations would drastically reduce school capacity creating a huge problem: schools would lose needed desk space and any new building takes time and requires additional teachers. SafeCube’s patented air purification system solves all of those problems in a cost-effective way. 

According to Purified Air Shield CEO Richard Baker: “After observing the educational disaster caused by the COVID-19 pandemic we felt compelled to task our design team with developing an easily manufactured and installed solution that would help protect all students.”

Purified Air Shield, LLC is comprised of engineers and health care professionals dedicated to creating innovative solutions for the health risk challenges of today’s world. The company focuses on developing products that can be easily integrated into diverse segments of society including education, health care, public transportation, and restaurants allowing the public to resume daily activities. Purified Air Shield is working to develop manufacturing arrangements to serve the global market.

For further information and partnering opportunities contact Richard Baker, CEO at:   Richardbaker@purifiedairshield.com

Source: Purified Air Shield, LLC


Tags: COVID 19, reopen, School, student, system