Puro UV Disinfecting Light Fixtures Proven Effective Against the Superbug C. auris

Recent Lab Testing Results Show Ultraviolet Fixtures Kill up to 99.9% of Deadly C. auris Fungus
C. auris

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Puro, a company offering specialized lighting products that are designed to promote health and wellness, has announced that its Helo and Sentry UV Disinfectant Lights have now been shown to kill up to 99.9% of the deadly, multidrug resistant C. auris fungus.  According to the CDC, this superbug, first identified in Japan in 2009, is of great concern because it is multidrug resistant, it is difficult to identify with standard laboratory methods, and it has caused outbreaks in healthcare settings.  

Independent lab testing commissioned by Violet Defense™, the UV technology provider powering Puro products, was recently performed at an EPA and FDA GLP-compliant, ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory. Testing determined that Puro UV disinfecting fixtures are effective at killing the C. auris fungus.

"Puro was formed in part to introduce new technologies and innovations in the fight against Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) caused by drug resistant superbugs such as C. auris," stated Jim Colantoni, co-founder and General Manager of Puro. "Our Helo and Sentry UV disinfecting products are an effective, new tool to fight HAIs, including this multidrug resistant fungus, and reduce the suffering, loss of life, and treatment burden," he continued.

Puro Helo Fixture Series are particularly well suited to fight the C. auris fungus as they can be installed in the ceiling, mounted to the wall, and connected to building automation systems to guarantee whole room coverage of the UV light. In addition to C. auris, Puro UV disinfecting fixtures are lab verified to kill up to 99.9% of MRSA, Norovirus, E. coli, Salmonella and C. diff.

According to the CDC, C. auris is able to survive on surfaces for weeks at a time, colonizing on high touch areas such as hospital beds, windowsills, and mobile medical equipment positioned in the room. The Helo fixtures are designed to routinely disinfect with broad spectrum UV-C, UV-B, and UV-A light and can be operated manually or integrated into a facility Building Automation System (BAS). A whole room can be disinfected from a fixed position, eliminating the chance of missed coverage that may occur with manually positioned mobile units.

In addition to the Helo Fixture Series, Puro’s Sentry Family Series uses the same UV disinfection technology, but are designed in several mobile configurations. Light weight, efficient, and cost effective compared to other mobile platforms, the Sentries can be easily moved from room to room, deployed on uneven surfaces and placed on desktops and surfaces. 

The CDC estimates that in the United States, more than two million people are sickened every year with antibiotic-resistant infections, with at least 23,000 dying as a result. . Puro’s mission is to offer solutions to the market that protect people from harmful pathogens and promote wellness.

About Puro

Puro was founded by a group of industry veterans in the commercial lighting and controls market. Our vision is to create an organization with a focus on protecting people’s health and promoting wellness with specialized lighting technologies.

Utilizing exclusive patents and technology from Violet Defense™, our first offering to the market is a breakthrough UV disinfection solution, which includes the first known high intensity germicidal UV fixture that is proven to kill pathogens from a distance of 3 meters, and can be installed in a ceiling, suspended, or wall mounted. These fixtures kill up to 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, and can significantly reduce the growth of mold and fungus, when used at the recommended spacing and run times.

This technology gives users the ability to disinfect any room, of any size, at anytime. It can be used on demand, scheduled to run overnight, or integrated into your building automation system for reporting and ease of integration in your day to day operations. Hospital grade disinfection is now accessible and easy to use for the broader commercial market. For more information about Puro, visit www.PuroUV.com. Follow Puro on LinkedIn.

Media Contact: 
Melody Flores, Marketing Manager
​Phone: (303) 378-4660 
Email: [email protected]

Source: Puro


Tags: Candida auris, HAI, puro, SSI, ultraviolet, UV disinfection

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Puro's focus is on protecting people's health and promoting wellness with specialized lighting technologies. Hospital grade UV disinfection is now accessible and easy to use for the broader commercial market.

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