Puure Corporation Obtains Exclusive U.S. Distribution for Eco-Friendly Water Batteries

Puure Corporation, an American company registered in the State of Delaware, announced today that they have exclusive distribution rights for environmentally friendly water batteries in North America and they aim to raise USD 20'000'000 (twenty million US dollars) in shares of common stock for 20% of its capital.

The American financial company Swiss Investment House, in charge of the securities distribution, is confident there exists a substantial institutional demand for the shares.

The company intends to develop the distribution of the American and Canadian markets for water valve-activated eco-friendly consumer batteries through major distributors. The batteries are manufactured by C&O Partners SA a Swiss company that has developed this unique patent-pending water valve-activated eco-friendly consumer battery.

Having been involved in wholesale distribution for the past 12 years, C&O Partners SA created Puure Corporation in the state of Delaware, in February 2015, as a subsidiary to be the exclusive distributor of its product.

C&O Partners SA in Switzerland has ongoing R&D, production and European distribution. Puure Corporation will service the United States and Canadian markets and plans to go public on the NASDAQ stock market.

Patrice Horowitz, the co-founder of the company, explained that “Puure Corporation’s goal is not to compete with the established companies such as Duracell or Energizer, but rather to offer an environmentally friendly alternative to consumers”. The founders added that their batteries “are lightweight and made of clean organic powders. Whereas traditional batteries are 50% recyclable, Puure’s batteries are approaching 100% recyclable”.

Marc DESCHENAUX, the founder of Deschenaux, Hornblower & Partners, in charge of legal and financial sides of the offering organization of securities, declared: “We are proud to have concluded this financing deal. We think the market is very promising and Puure Corporation presents a great potential.





Operational Phases

The first phase of the operation will consist of a common share issue conducted privately, whose main features are:

-          Puure Corporation is offering for sale 20’000’000 shares of common stock

-          The stock will be sold at a progressive price from USD 6.00 to USD 16.00

-          The amount of the fund raising is USD 20’000’000

-          The minimum investment is USD 50’000.

This first phase is an essential step in achieving the necessary developments. Once this step is finalized, the IPO transactions will be complete.


Puure Corporation is planning an Initial Public Offering before 2017. However, an Initial Public Offering will depend on market conditions.

Reasons for the offer and objectives

The offer and the admission of the company's shares to trading on the regulated market of NASDAQ aim to enable shareholders of the company to access liquidity and allow the company to access international markets capital, thus enabling its extension and perpetuation worldwide.

Distribution organization

Legal and financial aspects of the offering organization of securities are provided by the strategic partner Deschenaux, Hornblower & Partners.

Public information

Copies of the private offering prospectus detailing all of the operations are available free of charge upon request from Deschenaux, Hornblower & Partners, in charge of the legal aspects of the operation. The prospectus will be delivered to accredited investors only.


Puure Corporation‘s headquarter is located:

2711 Centerville Road

Suite 400 Wilmington

Delaware 19808

United States

To learn more, please contact:

Deschenaux, Hornblower & Partners

Rue Rothschild 50

1202 Genève

[email protected]

+41 22 510 25 00

Swiss Investment House

Rue de Lausanne 72

1202 Genève

[email protected]


Tags: batteries, ecofriendly, light weight, Puure Corporation, twist