Qualitypoint Technologies Has Announced Their Revised Pricing Policy.

India based IT company QualityPoint Technologies has announced their revised Pricing Policy.

According to this new pricing policy clients of QualityPoint Technologies will be billed at $8 per hour of work.
QualityPoint Technologies CEO Rajamanickam has mentioned that in this past 5 years they have done more than 180 projects and also they have done small customization works for many customers of their products like Timesheet script and SEO Tools.

Rajamanickam Says "Quoting low price is the major cause for the slow growth rate."He backed his statement by listing below things.

1. Low price attracts the people who are not having any proper plans for their projects.

2.Because of Low price quoting, I find difficulties in retaining the talented employees.

3.Customers are NOT valuing their Team's work/time, as they have to pay only very low price. It ultimately breaks the project success.

4.The customers who spend less in project development, are not spending any money for promoting their product. Because of this reason, their hard work and skills are NOT getting enough attention. For example, 5 years back, when they started this company they did a project exactly similar to pinterest. Note that pinterest was NOT there at that time. Cloning pinterest is very simple now. But at that time, they have to do lot of hard work to successfully complete the project. They have charged less then hundred dollars for completing the entire project. But the client didn't take steps for promoting it. Pinterest which came after few years get lot of exposure. So, obviously working with low-budget clients didn't give any benefit for them.

So they had decided to charge their clients at appropriate price instead of blindly charging low price. After doing some evaluation,market and study they are going to fix $8 USD per hour of work.

$8 USD will be applicable starting from July 1st, 2013. Till end of this month their existing customers and people who have already requested for pricing, can pay the current price.The same price is applicable for Software testing , SEO/SEM/Social Media promotion/virtual assistance also.

If you have any questions contact [email protected]


Tags: Software development, Software India, Web Development

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