Queensboro Shirt Company Fools 50,000 Customers with "Custom Logo Wedding Dress" Promotion

Wilmington, NC Company Plays April Fools' Joke On Loyal Customers

Wilmington, NC - April 5, 2010: More than 50,000 Queensboro customers across the nation were questioning founder Fred Meyer's sanity when they opened up their daily email from him last Thursday on April Fools' Day. Queensboro Shirt Company, an Internet-based custom logo shirt powerhouse located in Wilmington, N.C., emailed their customers about a limited time offer - customizable wedding dresses designed for small businesses that wanted to promote their company by digitally printing their logo on the front and train of the a wedding dress (and the dress is even designed with a pocket for business cards in the back!)

Most of the customers got the joke right away, responding on the company's Facebook wall and sending in emails starting with "LOL." Others however, forgot that Thursday was April Fools' Day - and were a bit taken aback by the absurd promotion.

Queensboro, following tradition, was playing a joke on their favorite people - their customers. Meyers says, "This is one of my favorite times of the year. It's our tradition to have fun with our customers. One year we offered a suit of armor that could be embroidered with your company's logo. Another year we offered a customizable toga. It's always just edgy enough that we get a wide variety of responses - and laughs."

The wedding dress spoof probably got the most feedback of any joke in the company's April Fools Day history.

Here is what some Queensboro customers had to say:

"Wedding dresses?!? I think somebody needs a vacation. You need to drain the think tank and refill it after Easter."

"ROFL Fred, you definitely score NUMBER ONE so far this year and that one may be hard to beat ... though the day is still young!"

"Ahhhhh, APRIL FOOLs' .... you actually GOT ME! I just figured it out (three hours after reading your e-mail the first time) ... I thought, 'Wow, they've LOST IT this time! Advertising on a wedding dress? But I don't mind the 17% off site wide.' LOL"

"Whew! I was hoping that was an April Fools' joke. I was starting to worry about you."

"I got a huge, tremendous laugh out of the wedding dress sale this morning. Also, I love to read your scribbles every day. You make your site fun, even if I am not ordering anything."

"Good one. For a minute there I was incredulous!"

To learn more about the Queensboro Shirt Company, please visit www.queensboro.com


Tags: Fred Meyers, logo, POLO, Queensboro Shirt Company, Screen Printing, t-shirt

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Matt Vaughan
Press Contact, Queensboro Shirt Company
Queensboro Shirt Company
102 Avent Ferry Rd
Holly Springs, NC 27540