QuickAdd App is Changing the Way Internet Users Connect With People on Social Media

Digital media has dramatically transformed the way an individual connects with other people over the web. Social networking platforms are the one-stop of connecting with people in one’s contacts, and it has conveniently reduced barriers and minimize distances.

Taking a step towards further advancing how a user connects with the important people in their life, QuickAdd application is taking great steps. The mobile app allows users to bring all their social media contacts in one place and organize them as per their preference. Users can bring their contacts across all social networks including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat in one place.

QuickAdd is helping users stay connected and updated with all activity surrounding their contacts. It means a user does not require to typically browse a platform, search for a contact and cram through their profile.

Having favorite contacts in an integrated platform which continues to outpour their activities and allows a user to stay updated has never been done before. Manage contacts in one go and keep tabs on all contacts in the simplest way. QuickAdd can also allow an individual to see which social media platforms their friends use even if they are not added on their profile.

Users can sign up and add information on the app panel. All user database and information is held with maximum and top-tier security standards and will directly integrate with all social media profiles.

The application is free to use and is compatible with Android devices version 4.1 and greater. Try the QuickAdd app now and mention feedback!

Source: QuickAdd App


Tags: contact app, mobile app, quick add, social media