Rachael Sarson Receives Emerging Leaders Award from the Indiana CPA Society

Rachael Sarson, CPA, a senior accountant at Craighead, Lange and Hough, P.C., recently received the Emerging Leaders Award from the Indiana CPA Society. She is one of only three recipients to be presented with the notable award this year.

Rachael Sarson, CPA, a senior accountant at Craighead, Lange and Hough, P.C., recently received the Emerging Leaders Award from the Indiana CPA Society. She is one of only three recipients to be presented with the notable award this year. Recipients of the award are nominated by others and have made significant contributions to the overall success of their employer.

"Receiving the INCPAS Emerging Leaders Award was such an honor," reflected Sarson. "It is a privilege to know that I've helped to inspire other CPAs." She continued, "I truly believe the CPA profession is the greatest profession in the world. I have been blessed to work for a supportive firm that has allowed me to take advantage of leadership opportunities to serve the profession through the Indiana CPA Society and the AICPA."

Since joining CLH in 2010, Sarson has been a part of many projects that have contributed to the accomplishments and growth of the firm. These achievements include transitioning to a paperless engagement system and the standardization of the firm's new hire training program. A proven leader in the CPA profession, she was chosen as one of 36 CPAs across the country to attend the AICPA Leadership Academy.

Sarson's involvement with INCPAS has included serving as a member of the Emerging Leaders Alliance, Integrated Reporting Task Force, Fusion Network, Campus Presenter and chair of the Young Pros Conference Project Team.

Craighead, Lange and Hough, P.C., is passionate about personal relationships with and service to clients and the continuous development of its staff. The firm has developed a vast level of expertise with small- to medium-sized businesses and moderate- to high- income and net worth individuals.

To learn more about Craighead, Lange and Hough, P.C., or to contact Rachael Sarson, visit: www.clh-cpa.com.


Tags: accountant Michigan City NWI, accounting firm, CLH, CPA, Craighead Lange Hough, Emerging Leaders Award, INCPAS, Indiana CPA Society, Rachael Sarson

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CLH, P.C., is a full service accounting firm that has developed a vast level of expertise with small- to medium-sized businesses and individuals with moderate to high net worth.

Emily Abuatieh
Press Contact, CLH, P.C.
123 E. 8th Street
Michigan City, IN 46360
United States