Radio Chai Now in Long Island NY

Radio Chai the most listened to Radio Station the south eastern asian community in NJ now storms into Long Island NY. Turn your dial to 101.5fm and get connected to be served hot Indian programs 24 hours nonstop!!!

Radio Chai the most listened to Radio Station the south eastern asian community in NJ now storms into Long Island NY. Turn your dial to 101.5fm and get connected to be served hot Indian programs 24 hours nonstop!!!

RADIO CHAI offers talk and music appealing to anyone interested in South Asian lifestyles in the United States with its main focus on the Community and YOU! The Mission and Focus of Radio Chai is to meet and exceed the standards of the founding members, Mr. H. R. Shah and Mr. Paul Suri, while offering quality, informative, compelling and cutting-edge programming to our audience. Our programming will appeal to a vast range of listeners from kids and teens to parents and elders as determined by “strategic research” that was compiled to determine “what” the South Asian audience was missing from “their” radio dials. 


Tags: Radio Chai, Radio Channel, Radio Programe, Radio Show, Radio Station