Railroader Unveils New Movie Poster And Rocks To The Sound Warping "X" Of ZZ Top

So we have a new poster shown in a totally different light. We captured this frame from the movie "Railroader" to tell a thousand words. I hope you enjoy the show, currently playing in select municipalities in the SF Bay Area and streaming worldwide

Written and directed by Alexander Kanellakos, President and CEO of Apollo Productions & AAR Digital LLC, we want to introduce you to "Railroader"! A California High Speed Rail Senate Committee Joint Informational Hearing was held on March 13, 2012 in Mountain View California. Apollo Productions produced a short film that takes excerpts from the meeting and wraps it into an entertaining story. As the railroader travels through decades of time to deliver cash, bonds and gold to a banker...the Senate Budget Appropriations Committee discusses with the California High Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) on the new High Speed Rail (HSR) design, timeline for construction, bond allocations, future funding and recent personnel changes. The scenes from the film depict the urgency for the answer to the traveler's questions, like making connections. It is your turn as the viewer to decide. Governor Brown provides closing comments on the project.

Check your local COMCAST listings for playback and live streaming worldwide over the internet or visit http://www.apolloproductions.com

Listen to the time travel sound and check the schedule as it is never set and always changing. While you are there...be sure to venture through our site and enjoy the trailers, performances and product showcases. or click the latest stamp out postage stamp to see the latest hot movie trailers. Click the Logos at the top of the home page to see some ZZ Top old style rockin' boogie woogie action or pick up the latest CDs and DVDs from that little ol' band from Texas!

Scale it up and plaster it on the side of your building or big rig on the 405 during Rush Hour. Upload it to an electronic billboard courtesy of our sponsor(S).

Don't forget to order your Nike Prescription Sport Sunglasses. Summer is here and the surf is turning up! Now go see the latest "Railroader" poster visit this link:


- Al


Tags: AAR Digital, Alexander Kanellakos, Apollo Productions, California, Governor Brown, Governor Jerry Brown, High Speed Rail, hsr, HSRA, Railroader

About Apollo Productions & AAR Digital LLC

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Alexander Kanellakos
Press Contact, Apollo Productions & AAR Digital LLC
Apollo Productions & AAR Digital LLC
Surf City, CA
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
United States