Rainmaker Enhances Integration With WebEx By Supporting Multi-day Session On ViewCentral Learning & Event Management Solution

Rainmaker Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: RMKR)today announced the availability of new 6.7 release of ViewCentral, which includes enhancements to utilize the new features of WebEx platform via API integration.

Campbell, California - March 01, 2010 - Rainmaker Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: RMKR), a leading provider of sales and marketing solutions offering hosted application software and execution services, today announced the availability of new 6.7 release of its ViewCentral SaaS Learning & Event Management (LMS) Solution for revenue and webinar/event management, which includes enhancements to utilize the new features of WebEx platform via API integration.

The most notable enhancement facilitates seamless integration to incorporate recurring session information into WebEx meetings. ViewCentral users would benefit from the ease-of-use and scheduling capability with this feature, resulting in productivity gains and reduction of manual intervention. ViewCentral customers also realize cost savings by using a single-recurring session instead of multiple sessions.

Rainmaker's Sr. VP of Products, Mark de la Vega said, "These enhancements demonstrate our continuing commitment to open architecture via integrations with multiple providers, and support for our clients' cost saving initiatives."


Tags: (LMS) Webex, SaaS Learning & Event Management, ViewCentral

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Krupa Singampalli
Press Contact, Rainmaker Systems
Rainmaker Systems
900 East Hamilton Ave. Suite 400
Campbell, CA 95008