Rally for the Truth

Gulf Coast Citizens, Local politicians and Not-for-Profit Groups Gather in Support of the Still Oil Ravaged Gulf Contact: Brandi Gascon Gulf Change 225-278-4054 Karen Mayer Hopkins Dean Blanchard Seafood 504-329-0910 grandislekaren@yahoo

Gulf Coast Citizens, Local politicians and Not-for-Profit Groups Gather in Support of the Still Oil Ravaged Gulf

Grand Isle, Louisiana - The Gulf of Mexico is still under assault by legions of oil on a daily basis. Although BP and federal officials have all but declared the disaster over, local citizens, politicians, environmental and industry groups understand the effects of the April 20 spill are still in the early stages.

A growing number of coastal citizens are now ill from the effects of the dispersants and oil, the validity of the FDA's safe seafood claim has been disputed in a number of independent tests, the ecosystem is suffering exponentially, the offshore drilling moratorium - although lifted, is still in effect due to the lack of issuance of new permits, and sub-sea and surface oil and dispersant continues to come ashore daily affecting humans, wildlife and domestic animals.

This rally will center around sharing of information by those who live, work and play at ground zero for the spill, and their unique experiences.

Independent test results, interviews and all relevant information will be available to the press.

All local and state politicians; as well as, the EPA, FDA, NOAA, Coast Guard, DEQ and other involved entities have been invited to attend.

Speakers for the rally will include: Cherri Foytlin, Kindra Arnesen, Billy Nungessor, Karen Hopkins, Drew Landry, Susan Felio Price, Mac Mackenzie, Matt Smith, Dean Blanchard, A.J. Varner, Jessica Hagan and a representative from the law firm of Leake & Anderson, additional speakers to be announced.

Donations will be taken to send a delegation to speak to congressional leaders in Washington D.C.

Food in the form of Bar-B-Cue and Shrimp will be available free of charge.

"The objective of the event is to meet with Gulf Coast Residents and present our case, regarding the health of our people, the impact on our communities, etc. We want to compile a "history" of our feelings, experiences, beliefs, whatever they may be, since the oil spill. It is not a "bash BP and/or the govt. event", it is a RALLY FOR THE PEOPLE TO BE ABLE TO TELL THEIR TRUTHS." - Event Organizer, Karen Hopkins

The event is scheduled for 11/20/10 and will begin at 1:00 p.m. on the property of Pirate Island Daquiri Shop on La. 1 in Grand Isle, several hundred people are expected to be in attendance.


Tags: deepwater horizon, Gulf Oil spill, offshore drilling safety, seafood safety

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Brandi Gascon
Press Contact, Gulf Change
Gulf Change
10637 Hollybrook Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810