Rap' Hall of Fame

Memphian takes the initiative to build a Hip Hop Hall of Fame, and seeks the hip hop industries support.

After several years of pondering on rather there was a Hip Hop Hall of Fame or not, Memphian Rogers Mitchell took the initiative to put his plan into motion. Mr. Mitchell, also known as Mr. Rogers in Memphis neighborhoods, is also known for rapping, starting StreetMasters Magazine, working as a producer for UGTV and managing various artist and models. So, its not like this entrepreneur would'nt come up with another brilliant idea. "This is the real, the first and only Hip Hop Hall of Fame ever. And, lots of research, 50 Cents and Russell Simmons confirmed that", said Mr. Rogers. "All the rest are fakes and copycats", he added.
To witness history in the making or to become a part of history, visit http://www.hiphophalloffame.us


Tags: 50 cent, artist, Celebrities, entertainment, Hip Hop Hall of Fame, rap music, Russell Simmons, tourism and hospitality resort, wax museum

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Rogers Mitchell
Press Contact, Hip Hop Hall of Fame
Hip Hop Hall of Fame
1823 Keltner Circle Apt 8
Memphis, TN 38114