Readcomend, Social Book Recommendations Platform for Book Lovers Goes Live

Read a fascinating book lately? Readcomend let's you recommend your favorite books to friends and family

Social communities are a great way to interact and be informed of the latest trend in the Internet. Niche social communities cater for people of particular taste where they can learn, socialize and share.

Readcomend is a niche – based on-line community designed for all book lovers.

"There's a lot in book recommendations that can't be artificially generated." - See more at:

Amy Mikel, librarian and book enthusiast.

“Writers, book publicists, publishers, readers and every other person who just loves reading can use readcomend,” stated founder and CEO PM Browne. “Have you read a great book lately? You shouldn’t keep it to yourself; others persons can benefit from reading that great book. Readcomend lets you recommend those favorite books to friends and people who matter to you.”

Never keep a great book to yourself

As a book recommendations platform serving a book hungry community of avid readers, readcomend has successfully added innovation to online book recommendation by applying technology to the age old method of recommending a book: a human angle.”

“What happens in readcomend is pretty much what we are used to in book recommendations; a library and librarian. The fun twist is that everyone is working hard to recommend you a great book.” 

Readcomend is designed with ease of use. A user needed to register with valid email; afterwards he can find and connect with other book recommenders with whom he can share book recommendations with. Users can accept or decline a book recommended them, depending on their taste, interest or mood at that very moment. The human angle ensured you get recommendations from live persons, not software generated book recommendations. If a user wanted he could upgrade to author status for free. Author status enables the average user to add bio to profile and the ability to create cost effective books and author page promotions.

“Software don’t tell your mood,” explained Browne. “But your friend can. Therefore it is easier for your friend to make you a right title recommendation. If you had your doctor in your connects, or network, he knows the right book to recommend to you, especially if you are convalescing.”

Further simplifying the book recommendations process, readcomend makes it easy to ‘get’ your book of interest by letting you download book details with a click straight from Amazon. Books a user accepted form a beautiful on-line library they can visit anytime to browse their selections, recommend or buy book within

“It’s exciting!” gushes an ecstatic user. “I mean, I can get book rec’d me from real friends and I can have my own on-line library.”

Readcomend is free of charges for all users and can be accessed via the Url



Tags: authors, book lovers, Book recommendations, indie, kindle, publishing, readers, recommend a book, self publishers, sell your books, where to sell your book, writers