Real Estate Investing Company Rod Heiman Now Buying Houses in Florida

Rod Heiman, a real estate investing firm, has announced that they are now buying homes in Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri and Texas.

A real estate investment firm in Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri and Texas, has announced they are now buying houses in Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri and Texas and the surrounding areas as well as nationwide.

Rod Heiman seeks to buy homes from regular home owners with a need to sell their house, whether the houses need repairs or not.

This means the home owner does not have to do repairs before they can sell their house.

The company also buys houses from people looking to sell their homes but who may be behind on their mortgage payments or are facing foreclosure. With the flexibility to deal with most situations, Rod Heiman is able to help most home owners who need to sell their home.

In the current depressed real estate market, many home owners find themselves unable to selltheir homes either because their mortgage balance does not allow them to sell low or because they need repairs. Sometimes if they are behind on their mortgage payments, the back payments add to the mortgage balance driving the price even higher.

Rod Heiman can also negotiate with banks in a short sale to buy these homes.

It is for these reasons that the company has revamped their services to buy houses directly from such home owners, at the same time relieving the stress associated with house problems.

Most people looking to sell their houses are unable to do so because they cannot afford real estate fees. The company pledges to make a no obligation offer within 48 hours and charges no fees for their services.

For more information please visit


Tags: house buyer, sell your house, we buy Houses

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