Real Estate Staging Rises in Urban Markets in 2015

Barbara Brock, owner of Ask The Stagers, recaps the season's trends and their impacts on the future of staging.

The 2015 relocation season experienced increased traffic in and out of large cities including Austin, Houston and New York, yielding a sizable increase in urban staging projects.

As the summer relocation season reached its midway point, home stager and professional organizer Barbara Brock of New York City's Ask The Stagers and Sold with Style reflected on trends to date and what stagers should expect leading up to Labor Day.

Mark my words: if you thought 2015 was busy, the next few years will send professional home staging figures sky high!

Barbara Brock, Founder, Ask The Stagers

"Overall, 2015 has been a phenomenally mobile year for the entire relocation industry. Particularly in regard to stagers, this season is one of the strongest periods my firm [Sold with Style] has had on record," she said. "I have seen a surge in staging for luxury and mid-market properties, particularly here in New York as well as Austin and Houston in Texas. Between encouraging mortgage rates, improved economic stability and lower gas prices, it seems that a lot of millennials are starting to buy homes on the fringe of large cities. It's the perfect storm for moving."

Brock highlighted the impact on future staging business. "With your clients moving up and out of major cities this year, be prepared to expand your business to nearby suburbs next year and beyond. But don't count city life out just yet. Though younger crowds are flocking beyond the limits, established, mature buyers still love the allure of urban living."

Additionally, the balance of power in the real estate market seems to be shifting slightly, according to Brock. This could have a sizable impact on the staging industry.

"We went from a period where a few interested buyers ruled the roost back in the late 2000s, to one where the sellers took control as homebuyer tax credits moved tons of properties. Now, I'm seeing the sides balance out again. Staging is going to remain critical as sellers become more and more numerous in coming seasons," said Brock. "Mark my words: if you thought 2015 was busy, the next few years will send professional home staging figures sky high!"


Tags: home staging, interior design, professional organizing, real estate, stagers

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Ask The Stagers is a website that connects real estate brokers and home sellers with professional home stagers for quick, inexpensive staging advice.

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