Recession Proof Your Life With The Law Of Attraction

All business and life decisions are made, not with our conscious mind, but rather our subconscious mind. Our minds, our thoughts, and our beliefs not only shape our lives, but can actually change them. In order to recession proof our life we have

All success begins with a thought which turns into an idea. It's all about being happy with what we do. Think about whether you love, or even like, the things you do, be it work or play. Are you happy with what you do? If it's not a resounding YES, then pay attention to what it is you like and don't like.
Make yourself a list and write down EVERYTHING that you'd love to do if only you had the time. Then start researching jobs and careers in those fields. If you follow your passion you will be able to put your skills to use in an environment that you love. Networking is the key to finding your passion.
It's never about chasing the money and ending up miserable and depressed, because you hate what you're doing. You have to decide for yourself what is more important-money or happiness. You can definitely have both, but happiness is a lot more satisfying than just money. It is so important for everyone to work on being a creative being and tapping into the force which is inside all of us.
It's also very important to decide what you want, and to be very clear about it before you put it out to the Universe. But don't forget to be flexible about what you receive. If you're focused on one very specific objective (say for example, becoming rich by winning the lottery), then you can miss out on some wonderful opportunities or situations that you couldn't have imagined for yourself.
Because you were locked into something rigid, the career opportunity of a lifetime, or the perfect business would have been out of your grasp and passed you by, because you left no room for the Universe to send you what's for your highest good, and your best manifestations.
Being flexible in how you are going to receive your good, tells the universe that you trust it to send you what you need, and at the right time. But when you are rigid about exactly how you want something to manifest in your life, it says to the Universe that you trust your judgment, more than the Universe's. Make your faith so strong that you completely trust that the Universe will send you the best possible situation.
By being open to the Universe, sometimes you may not get what you thought you wanted, but you get something you didn't ask for, which turned out even better than you could possibly have imagined.
Set your intentions with an open mind. Be clear about what you want... whether it's a job or business you love, a partner that makes you happy, the perfect home, or even all the abundance you would ever want or need. Just don't insist on the job being a specific position in a specific place, or the love of your life being tall, dark and handsome with green eyes, or the exact dollar amount you might want. Let the universe help you find what's right for you. Letting the universe work its magic, brings you the best rewards.
Knowing what you want and asking for it is very empowering. So ask yourself, "What do I want? Really push the boundaries of your thinking to figure out your own heart's desires. Give yourself both time and permission to explore all the possibilities in your mind.
Live your life to the fullest because remember that you can't get back the time you wasted being miserable or unhappy.


Tags: Abundance, law of attraction, recession proof

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