Record, Save, Share & Recast Online Meeting Sessions Using Banckle

Banckle Online Meeting now allows all meeting participants to save files shared during a past online meeting with all the freedom to stream the recorded meeting sessions any time and sharing these meeting sessions with all or specific contacts.

Banckle Online Meeting now supports three major features concerning to recasting online meeting recordings. It allows all meeting participants to download (save) files shared during a past online meeting with all the freedom to effectively stream the recorded meeting sessions at any time of their convenience. You can broadcast the recorded meeting sessions with all participants as well as share them with specific contacts, if you want. This is especially useful for eLearning and Podcasts through Banckle Online Meeting. Recorded meeting sessions can easily be viewed again at any time when you need.

Newly added articles and documentation pages

- Recasting recorded Banckle Online Meetings:
- How to: Download the shared files from a recorded meeting:
- How to: Watch the recorded meetings:
- How to: Search the previous meetings based on period of time:
- How to: Search the previous meetings based on date range:

Overview: Banckle Online Meeting

Banckle Online Meeting provides FREE solution for web conferencing, webinars, audio and video conferencing. Share your full screen or an application, PowerPoint presentations or whiteboards with your clients and colleagues from around the globe. It enables you to start or schedule meetings at your choice and gives you all the power to prepare meeting materials on your computer, set and share meeting agenda, invite attendees from inside and outside and monitor all meeting activities.

Read more about Banckle Online Meeting

- Experience Banckle Online Meeting in the real-time:
- Banckle Online Meeting Homepage:
- Sign up to evaluate Banckle Online Meeting Free for 1 year:
- Banckle Online Meeting Documentation:
- Subscribe Banckle blog feeds to receive latest updates:


Tags: banckle online meeting, broadcast online meeting, meeting sessions, online meeting, online meeting sessions, recast online meetings, record online meetings, save online meetings, share online meeting

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Lane Cove, NSW, Australia