Recruitment recovery continues in the run up to Christmas

October has proven to be a fruitful month for the recruitment industry, according to jobs search engine

The site has been analysing job count data from a selection of the leading job advertisers on the site on a monthly basis, to monitor the impact of recession on recruitment. The latest figures released have indicated a significant increase in the amount of jobs advertised in October, and has heralded the second largest number of jobs since January 2009.

Of the data collected there has been an increase of 41% on the job count since July 2009, which is considerably more than in the same period last year, which only saw vacancies rise by 13% from July to October 2008. October's statistics have proved encouraging for the recruitment industry, as the numbers of jobs recorded for October is up by 25% on the previous month. Initial signs suggest that this trend should continue way into the first quarter of 2010, although there is still a long way to go before jobs will be advertised in the same volume as 2008; as the site calculated that the overall job count has fallen by 48% since 2008.

The data analysed included job statistics for specialist sites in retail, catering, sales, IT and generalist job boards; all of which showed an increased number of vacancies. The results prove particularly significant for the retail sector, which has thus far been heavily affected by the recession.

Dave Martin, MD of suggests that: "The new data for October has proven to be very significant in our monitoring of the recession. The increased job count has come at a time when we are hearing a lot of positive noises within the economy. Last week reports from the US identified that the period from July to September was the first period of economic growth in over a year, indicating that the US economy is recovering well. In the UK, we have been hearing good news from the Halifax that house prices have risen by 1.2% in October, and even success stories in retail; with John Lewis reporting a fifth weekly increase in sales at the end of October. The job market seems to be predicting the dawn of recovery, and we are very pleased to be reporting some good news within the industry, and seeing it translate to other aspects of the economy."

The site will continue to measure the changes to the job count over the coming months, and regularly publish these figures so that others within the industry can compare their own data and monitor changes within the results. are also currently working with other recruitment businesses to increase their marketplace exposure, by creating white branded iPhone job seeking solutions. For more information call 0844 800 1616


Tags: AllTheTopBananas, job, job search, Jobs market, recession, recovery, upturn

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