Recy Dunn Releases Circle of Time - His Second Novel

M mystery suspense apartheid novel written with a South Africa point of view


The British seized the Cape of Good Hope area in 1806, forcing many of the Boers headed north to form their own republics. After the Voortrekkers - Boors had failed to negotiate with the Zulus the secession of land for settling and grazing, they endured numerous catastrophic assaults. Finally, the Boers, assembled at the Ncome River for a decisive battle near Lesotho, known as The Battle of Blood River.

On December 16, 1838, 464 Boers, led by Andries Pretorius defeated more than 10,000 Zulu warriors. The deeply religious Boers declared their military victory as a sign and message of God. Before the great battle, the Boers had prayed and made a vow that if God would grant them victory over the Zulus; they would celebrate the victory annually. Afterwards, they believed even more strongly that white predominance over blacks was God's own will.

The discovery of diamonds in the year 1867 and gold by 1886 created great wealth and led to intensified subjugation of the native inhabitants.

From January 11 to July 4, 1879, the period of another bloody Zulu war in South Africa. The Zulus effective use of the Iklwa, an assegai spear used as stabbing weapons and their war cry Ngadla proved to be a great fighting force against the British. However, a British victory brought the end of the independent Zulu nation. The British forces continued with their quest to establish a colony in South Africa and the Boers resisted British invasions, but were defeated in the Boer War (1899-1902). This led to formation of the Union of South Africa and in 1948 operated under a policy of apartheid - the separate development of the races.

It also led to the establishment of the African National Congress.



Tags: crime, fiction, mystery, suspense, thriller

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